Determination Of Correlation Between Road Pavement Skid Resistance And Braking Deceleration
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There are many situations when road pavement surface skid resistance drops to unacceptable levels. Skid resistance is an essential pavement property for road safety, but drivers are not able to assess its degree by visual means, although in the end they must be able to stop their vehicles safely within the stopping sight distance. In our research normalized braking deceleration was related to SCRIMTEX SFC values and analyzed for different driving conditions (wet/dry), vehicle systems, skid resistance levels, measuring speeds and nominal initial vehicle speeds when full braking. A relation can be used to calculate the stopping sight distance and maximum safe speed in different road conditions. In the case of below-average vehicle systems, relations of this kind can be used to determine, within some degree of uncertainty, the limit SFC values at which some traffic operations and management activities should be performed (e.g. speed limits can be reviewed and new traffic signs erected to support road users in safer driving). Applying such limit values to the national regulations means that they can be directly interpreted from the traffic safety perspective.