Low-bit-rate computer-generated color Fresnel holography with compression ratio of over 1600 times using vector quantization Invited
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Optical Society of America
We propose a method for compressing a digital color Fresnel hologram based on vector quantization (VQ). The complex color hologram is first separated into three complex holograms, each representing one of the primary colors. Subsequently, each hologram is converted into what we call a real Fresnel hologram and compressed with VQ based on a universal codebook. Experimental evaluation reveals that our scheme is capable of attaining a compression ratio of over 1600 times and still preserving acceptable visual quality on the reconstructed images. Moreover, the decoding process is free from computation and highly resistant to noise contamination on the compressed data. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
Digital holograms, 3-dimensional objects
Peter Tsang, Kayton W. K. Cheung, and Ting-Chung Poon, "Low-bit-rate computer-generated color Fresnel holography with compression ratio of over 1600 times using vector quantization [Invited]," Appl. Opt. 50, H42-H49 (2011); doi: 10.1364/AO.50.000H42