Parallel Global Aircraft Configuration Design Space Exploration


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Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University


The preliminary design space exploration for large,interdisciplinary engineering problems is often a difficult and time-consuming task. General techniques are needed that efficiently and methodically search the design space. This work focuses on the use of parallel load balancing techniques integrated with a global optimizer to reduce the computational time of the design space exploration. The method is applied to the multidisciplinary design of a High Speed Civil Transport (HSCT). A modified Lipschitzian optimization algorithm generates large sets of design points that are evaluated concurrently using a variety of load balancing schemes.The load balancing schemes implemented in this study are: static load balancing, dynamic load balancing with a master-slave organization, fully distributed dynamic load balancing, an fully distributed dynamic load balancing via threads. All of the parallel computing schemes have high parallel efficiencies. When the variation in the design evaluation times is small, the computational overhead needed for fully distributed dynamic load balancing is substantial enough so that it is more efficient to use a master-slave paradigm. However, when the variation in evaluation times is increased, fully distributed load balancing is the most efficient.



Parallel computation
