The Oxfam Gender Training Manual

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Great Britain, UK and Northern Ireland: Oxfam publication


There has been a growing concern that many development initiatives marginalize and disempower women. This manual uses gender training as a key strategy to inform staff of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of gender issues and grassroots approaches in empowering women to transform the perceptions of themselves and their communities. It provides practical tools and strategies that challenge both participants and trainers to acknowledge and question their attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs on gender roles and gender in development. It uses analytical frameworks and case studies to understand how gender is linked with global issues, the environment, economic crisis, and culture and how gender training can achieve sustainable social change.


Metadata only record


Training, Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), Sustainable development, Women, Men, Gender, Empowerment, Gender awareness, Social change, Grassroots approaches, Manual, Self-awareness, Communication strategies, Change, Tools, Case studies
