Soil carbon sequestration and associated economic costs for farming systems of the Indo-Gangetic Plain: A meta-analysis

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Carbon sequestration presents a unique opportunity for nation-states to accumulate monetary credit while promoting soil conservation and ecological sustainability. In this meta-analysis, previously measured data on carbon sequestration rates and local data were used to estimate the potential for carbon sequestration of wheat-based production systems within economic and ecological constraints in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. Over twenty years, using no-till practices in wheat-rice, maize-wheat, and cotton-wheat production systems would increase carbon sequestration by 60.7 Mt. However, this estimated differed according to carbon prices offered due to the costs associated with switching to no-till practices. Carbon prices of 200 USD Mg C-1 allowed for the highest amount of sequestration: 79 percent of the potential sequestration amount. Regional success varied, and the authors assert that climate and market imperfections are likely to skew estimations.


Metadata only record


Economic analyses, Carbon sequestration, Climate control, Economic impacts, Indo-Gangetic Plains, Greenhouse gases, Wheat, Meta-analysis, Farm/Enterprise Scale


Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 146(1): 137 – 146