Thriving Latino Males in Selective Predominantly White Institutions

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American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE)


Researchers focus disproportionately on factors that contribute to low enrollment, persistence, and graduation rates among Latino males in higher education. Instead of examining factors that undermine the success of these undergraduates—which often perpetuates deficit-oriented discourses about Latino male college students, their families, and communities—this paper explores how participants conceptualized and embodied success at two selective, predominantly White institutions. Using qualitative data available from The National Study on Latino Male Achievement in Higher Education, this scholarly paper reveals how Latino male undergraduates exhibited five qualities associated with the thriving quotient: 1) Engaged Learning, 2) Academic Determination, 3) Positive Perspective, 4) Social Connectedness, and 5) Diverse Citizenship. Implications for research, policy, and practice focus on creating and sustaining college environments that promote thriving Latino males in higher education.



Latin American male college students, Universities and colleges--Admission, educational attainment
