Rewards for environmental services in the Philippines uplands: Constraints and opportunities for institutional reform

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Bogor, Indonesia: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)


This study examined the policy context and institutional arrangements guiding the payment of rewards and incentives for environmental services (ES) in the Philippines. The review covered three general legislations that provide the over-all policy framework on natural resources use, access and control, that define institutional arrangements within the environment sector, and a minimum of 15 specific issuances, either officially adopted or still in draft form, which deal with on-the-ground implementation or enforcement.



Stakeholders, Carbon sequestration, Payments for environmental services, Government policy, Environmental services, Government institutions, Institutional capacity building, Markets, Poverty, Watershed management, Biodiversity conservation, PES, Rewards, Incentives, Policy framework, Institutional arrangements, Environmental service management, Reward mechanisms, Watershed protection, Community-based forest management, Policy enhancement, Advocacy, Governance


RUPES Working Papers