Beyond the square wheel: Toward a more comprehensive understanding of biodiversity conservation as social and political process

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In this article, we build on an accompanying critique of recent writings in international biodiversity conservation (this issue, 15 January 2002, pp. 17-40). Many scholars and observers are calling for more stringent enforcement of protected area boundaries given the perceived failure of integrated conservation and development projects and other people-oriented approaches to safeguard biodiversity. Pointing to many ongoing, field-based efforts, we argue that this resurgent focus on authoritarian protection practices largely overlooks key aspects of social and political process including: clarification of moral standpoint, legitimacy, governance, accountability, learning and non-local forces. Following a discussion of these six points, we offer a series of recommendations aimed at highlighting existing work and encouraging dialogue and constructive debate on the ways in which biodiversity protection interventions are carried out in developing countries.


Metadata only record


Common property resources, Natural resource management, Biodiversity, Biodiversity conservation, Accountability, Biodiversity protection, Community-based conservation, Conservation and development governance, Learning, Legitimacy, Politics, Protected area management, Ecosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale


Society and Natural Resources 15:41-64