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Response of soil microbial community composition and function to a bottomland forest restoration intensity gradient

dc.contributor.authorStrickland, Michael S.en
dc.contributor.authorCallaham, Mac A., Jr.en
dc.contributor.authorGardiner, Emile S.en
dc.contributor.authorStanturf, John A.en
dc.contributor.authorLeff, Jonathan W.en
dc.contributor.authorFierer, Noahen
dc.contributor.authorBradford, Mark A.en
dc.contributor.departmentBiological Sciencesen
dc.description.abstractTerrestrial ecosystems are globally under threat of loss or degradation. To compensate for the impacts incurred by loss and/or degradation, efforts to restore ecosystems are being undertaken. These efforts often focus on restoring the aboveground plant community with the expectation that the belowground microbial community will follow suit. This 'Field of Dreams' expectation - if you build it, they will come - makes untested assumptions about how microbial communities and their functions will respond to aboveground-focused restoration. To determine if restoration of aboveground plant communities equates to restoration of belowground microbial communities, we assessed the effects of four forest restoration treatments - varying in intensity from unmanaged to interplanting tree species - on microbial (i.e. prokaryotic and fungal) community composition and function (i.e. catabolic profiles and extracellular enzyme activities). Additionally, effects of the restoration treatments were compared to both degraded (i.e. active arable cultivation) and target endpoint communities (i.e. remnant bottomland forest) to determine the trajectory of intensifying aboveground restoration efforts on microbial communities. Approximately 16 years after the initiation of the restoration treatments, prokaryotic and fungal community composition, and microbial function in the four restoration treatments were intermediate to the endpoint communities. Surprisingly, intensification of aboveground restoration efforts led to few differences among the four restoration treatments and increasing intensification did not consistently lead to microbial communities with greater similarity in composition and function to the target remnant forest communities. Together these results suggest that belowground microbial community composition and function will respond little to, or will lag markedly behind, intensifying aboveground restoration efforts. Reliance on a Field of Dreams' approach, even if you build it better, may still lead to belowground microbial communities that remain uncoupled from aboveground communities. Importantly, our findings suggest that restoring aboveground vegetation may not lead to the intended restoration of belowground microbial communities and the ecosystem processes they mediate.en
dc.description.adminPublic domain – authored by a U.S. government employeeen
dc.description.notesWe thank Stephen Wood and Evelyn Wenk for field assistance. This project was funded through a cooperative agreement between USFS Southern Research Station and Yale University.en
dc.description.sponsorshipUSFS Southern Research StationUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA)United States Forest Service; Yale Universityen
dc.rightsCreative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedicationen
dc.subjectHardwood foresten
dc.subjectEcosystem functionen
dc.subjectMicrobial communitiesen
dc.subjectSoil processesen
dc.subjectCarbon cyclingen
dc.subjectPlant-soil feedbacksen
dc.subjectAboveground-belowground interactionsen
dc.titleResponse of soil microbial community composition and function to a bottomland forest restoration intensity gradienten
dc.title.serialApplied Soil Ecologyen
dc.typeArticle - Refereeden


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