Two papers evaluating the economic impact of agricultural innovation

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Masters Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic and State University: Blacksburg, VA


The first paper of this thesis seeks to clarify the economic benefits of staple crop biofortification and accomplishes this through the utilization of cost-benefit analysis, DALYs (disability adjusted life years concept), and analysis of economic surplus. The first paper finds that health problems related to iron deficiency and vitamin A can be cost-efficiently reduced through biofortification of cassava in Kenya and Nigeria. The second paper studies the economic impact of conservation agriculture in Ecuador and the researcher utilizes a linear programming model to show that certain conservation agriculture endeavors can increase household income for farmers.


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Food strategy, Environmental impacts, Conservation, Economic impacts, Health impacts, Agriculture, Agricultural technologies, Economic impacts, Nutrition, Biofortification, Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), Nigeria, Kenya, Iron deficiency, Livelihoods, Income, Benefit-cost analysis, Disability adjusted life years concept (dalys), Economic surplus analysis, Nigeria, Kenya, Ecuador, Ecosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale
