The 1977 Virginia Outdoor Recreation Needs Assessment


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Virginia Tech. Division of Forestry and Wildlife Resources


This outdoor recreation needs assessment booklet, published by the School of Forestry and Wildlife Resources, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, in cooperation with the Virginia Commission of Outdoor Recreation, has three general purposes. Its primary purpose is to provide guidelines on the amount and location of current and projected needs for additional outdoor recreational opportunities to federal, state, and local agencies and organizations with responsibilities for the provision of outdoor recreation services. The second is to make the needs estimates easily available to agencies and organizations whose responsibilities do not include outdoor recreation, but whose activities may impinge upon that system. Finally, the data contained here should be useful in various research activities, special studies, and teaching regarding the Virginia outdoor recreation system. Need for outdoor recreation land and facilities, as defined in this booklet, represents the difference between demand for and supply of outdoor recreation opportunities. As such, a needs assessment requires the previous calculation of present and projected recreation demand and a thorough inventory of existing recreation supply. These analyses were accomplished in 1977 and have been published as the 1977 Virginia Outdoor Recreation Demand Survey and the 1977 Virginia Outdoor Recreation Inventory. Copies of these booklets are available from the Virginia Commission of Outdoor Recreation. Since the needs estimates are dependent upon the ever-changing demand for and supply of outdoor recreation lands and facilities, the figures contained in this booklet are only approximate. The estimates should be viewed as providing general guidelines for decision-making, and not as precise measures of current deficiencies in the state's outdoor recreation system.


