Water Potential of Arid Rangeland Plant Species with Different Successional Status
In field trials in Morocco in April-December, mean xylem water potential of stress-tolerant species varied from -4 MPa to -5.7 MPa and from -4 MPa to -6.2 MPa, respectively, for Artemisia herba-alba and Frankenia corymbosa. In contrast, species favoured by disturbances (Peganum harmala and Anabasis aphylla) were able either to complete their growth within -2.7 MPa to -6 MPa and thus escape high levels of water stress, or to maintain relatively high to moderate levels of water potential (-1 to -2 MPa), respectively. (CAB Abstracts)
Metadata only record
Pest control, Drought, Plants, Plant water relations, Insecticidal plants, Drought, Disturbed lands, Medicinal plants, Water stress, Morocco, Ecosystem