Stadium Woods Preliminary Use and Management Plan

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Virginia Tech, UAP 4654 Environmental Planning Studio: Dr. John Randolph


The Preliminary Use and Management Plan for Stadium Woods seeks to balance academic, social, recreational, environmental, and use values of Stadium Woods and its stakeholders currently and into the future. These values are derived from Stadium Woods stakeholders through a survey and subsequent statistical analysis. This work was prepared by Virginia Tech UAP 4354 Environmental Planning Studio students as a guide for university committees and others charged with developing the final Stadium Woods use and management plan. Recommendations are made based on primary and secondary evidence that identifies important campus uses and resource benefits of Stadium Woods. Specific management recommendations are made for each identified use or resource area.



Stadium Woods Stakeholder Survey Statistical Analysis, Stadium Woods Historical and Resource Values, Stadium Woods Recommendations


Cross, A., et al. (2012) Preliminary Use and Management Plan. Blacksburg, VA, UAP 4354 Environmental Planning Studio, Virginia Tech, pp. 51.