Intelligent Infrastructure for Human-Centered Communities

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Virginia Tech


The IIHCC Destination Area aims to design, develop, and understand social, technical, economic, cultural, political, and information paradigms to support sustained and adaptive human societies. This area seeks to find a balance between advancing the technology with economic and policy structures that are equitable, fair, and lead to overall well-being of the society. By nature, this Destination Area is multidisciplinary — new paradigms in experiential learning and training that will produce graduates who are the world leaders. Technology, infrastructure design and development, policy, data science, and economics will be woven with traditional disciplinary curriculum to create “VT-shaped” students who will contribute to society and employers immediately. Themes include smart, healthy, and sustainable cities and communities; transportation systems; human safety, health, and wellness; integrated energy systems; network science and engineering; public policy; and cyber-physical systems.



Cyber-physical systems, Virtual Design and Smart Construction, Pervasive decision support systems, Autonomous Systems, Integrated energy systems
