Analyzing changes in productivity and carrying capacity under planned grazing in Madiama Commune, Mali (West Africa)


This presentation addresses the problems of overgrazing and degradation of pasture land. Policies that can increase pasture productivity and improve the carrying capacity and soil quality of pastures are assessed using CropSyst simulation modeling. Optimal grazing intensity and intervals (rotational grazing) are evaluated and discussed, based on model analysis from the Madiama commune in Mali (West Africa).



Carbon sequestration, Controlled grazing, Grazing, Soil quality, Livestock carrying capacity, Pasture management, Rotational grazing, Modeling, Grazing systems, Madiama commune, Mali, West Africa, Pasture productivity, Soil carbon, Rotational grazing, Simulation analysis, Cropsyst modeling, Climgen, Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale


Presented at SANREM CRSP Accomplishments and Lessons Learned Workshop, Washington, D.C., 16 June 2004