Life quality recovery: progress towards life styles in which people find value

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Virginia Tech


This study is intended to provide a comprehensive perspective for the progress of unprivileged people's lives in Less Privileged Countries (LPCs) from a global point of view. Unprivileged people are a subset of people in a society who lack adequate food, clothing, shelter, and other essentials for a decent life. This study recognizes that what is commonly called "development" is not really focused uniquely on the prosperity of each community in LPCs. The process should be indigenous in each community to "recover" unique processes of development, lost in the course of globalization. This study focuses directly on the progress of unprivileged people's lives in LPCs and suggests two ways of actualizing the kinds of lives in which people find value. It concludes that community activities led by ordinary people of LPCs will be able to create such lives through local cooperation. But often unprivileged and ordinary people of LPCs do not have the knowledge, managerial ability, time, or money for activities that improve their lives. Therefore, unprivileged people need external encouragement (not interventions) and support (not charity) for Life Quality Recovery. This study also concludes that education which enhances awareness of ordinary people in More Privileged Countries (MPCs) about problems of LPCs and the environment also will have a positive influence on the lives of ordinary people in LPCs.



life quality recovery, international development, developing countries, community development, nongovernmental organizations
