Biomanipulation of lake ecosystems: An introduction

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Freshwater Biology 47(12): 2277-2281


  1. This paper is an introduction to a special issue of Freshwater Biology containing selected papers from an international symposium on Food Web Effects of Fish in Lake Ecosystems: Research Progress, Water Quality and Fisheries Management held from 31 May to 3 June 2000 in Rheinsberg, Germany. The primary goal of the workshop was to enlarge the current view of fish-induced effects on lake ecosystems. An additional goal was to promote biomanipulation as a multiple-use tool for managing freshwater ecosystems. 2. The three main topics addressed at the workshop were: (i) mechanisms involved in biomanipulation, (ii) whole-lake case studies and (iii) management aspects in water quality and fisheries. 3. Mortality of Daphnia, nutrient recycling, habitat selection and fish predation are reported as important mechanisms governing food-web effects as a result of biomanipulation. 4. Whole-lake case studies indicate that repeated fish removal can help improve water quality of shallow lakes, but successful biomanipulation of deep, thermally stratifying lakes remains difficult. 5. In many cases, biomanipulation of lakes has proved to provide benefits in addition to improving water quality. As all lake users are potentially affected when biomanipulation is used as a lake management tool their concerns need to be clearly recognised if biomanipulation is to be successful in practice.



Ecosystem management, Ecosystem, Freshwater aquaculture, Aquatic ecosystems, Water management, Natural resource management, Aquaculture, Biomanipulation, Case studies, Fisheries management, Mechanisms, Water quality, Ecosystem


Oxford, UK: Blackwell Scientific Publications