Water harvesting and soil moisture retention: A study guide for farmer field schools

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Nairobi, Kenya: The Farm-Level Applied Research Methods for East and Southern Africa (Farmesa)


Since a majority of individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa depend on rainfed agriculture, it is necessary to provide tools that will better equip these individuals to increase their yields and improve their farming techniques. This study guide is intended to assist farmers in learning and experimenting on improved soil and water management. The target groups for the study guide are Farmer Field Schools, village farmers groups and local agricultural extension staff.


Metadata only record


Economic growth, Groundwater, Farmer field schools, Drought, Soil erosion, Soil conservation, Soil fertility, Rainfed agriculture, Water, Extension service, Over grazing, Poor farming practices, Water conservation, Food production, Farming techniques, Learning, Sub-Saharan Africa, Ecosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale Field Scale Watershed
