How to Ensure Diversity and Inclusion at Conferences? A Workshop for General Chairs, Program Committee Members, Reviewers and Authors


Being the premier forum for automotive user interface research and other vehicular technologies, AutomotiveUI concerns professionals, academics, researchers, and industry representatives from all around the world interested in innovation, research, and application of automotive user interface topics, embodying diversity at its core. This diversity is however not always reflected in the conference’s main program. In order expand the topic foci of the conference in the future, this workshop aims to identify the key factors that influence the main program creation, and create strategies that can help increase its diversity and accessibility, culturally and geographically. We aim to exchange ideas, experiences and start conversations that raise awareness about this topic, in order to inspire longer-term follow-up activities which will eventually result in increased diversity and accessibility not only at AutomotiveUI, but at international conferences in general.


