Coffee boom, coffee bust, and smallholder response in Vietnam's central highlands

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Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


This paper studies the recent boom and bust in Vietnam's coffee economy. Data from smallholder coffee farms in the Central Highlands are used to examine responses to a drop in producer coffee prices. A multinomial logistic regression model is used to identify several factors associated with four specific patterns observed among coffee farmers: no response to price change, reductions in use of purchased inputs, changes in crop mix, and responses aimed at enhancing liquidity through off-farm work or borrowing. Patterns of response are shown to have differed systematically across sub-groups of smallholders. Policy implications raised by the findings are discussed.


Metadata only record


Cash crops, Local markets, World markets, Tropical zones, Small-scale farming, Economic modeling and analysis, Tree crops, Asia, Vietnam, Agricultural development, Coffee, Smallholders, Farm/Enterprise Scale Governance


Review of Development Economics 12(2): 312–326