An Unstoppable Tidal Wave of Progress: Minority Serving Institutions in Texas

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The Center for Minority Serving Institutions at the University of Pennsylvania


Texas represents many characteristics of the United States: its rebel spirit, its multicultural future, and its fear of that future. Texas is a majority-minority state with deep roots in Native American, Spanish, and Mexican cultures. But Texas is also a state comprised of many who support the construction of a metaphorical and physical wall to barricade the country from an unstoppable tidal wave of progress. The pain caused by these dislocations and the implications for politics and policymaking are clearly seen in Texas. Its lawmakers look to higher education to address and correct the economic and workforce changes that will continue to reshape the Texas (and United States) of tomorrow. This report examines the Minority Serving Institutions located in Texas as well as the political, economic, and demographic landscape of the state using the latest data available.



Minority-Serving Institutions, higher education policy in Texas, minority students
