Payments for Environmental Services: An equitable approach for reducing poverty and conserving nature

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Gland, Switzerland: World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)


WWF's approach of equitable PES, which it is developing and implementing with partners including CARE and IIED, aims to address the constraints to poverty alleviation by finding a balance between conservation and development outcomes; by delivering conservation of biodiversity with significant benefits to the poor; and by doing so in a just and equitable way.



Rural development, Biodiversity, Sustainable development, Payments for environmental services, Livelihoods, Land use management, Environmental services, Conservation strategy, Poverty, Conservation, Natural resource management, Biodiversity conservation, Equitable pes, Conservation finance mechanism, Watershed services, WWF, CARE, Iied, Guatemala, Perú, The Philippines, Tanzania, Indonesia, Eastern europe, Rural poverty, Marginalized groups, Equitable Payments for Watershed Services (PWS), Land use change, Social justice, Equity
