Browsing by Author "Gray, James Alexander"
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- Exchange and superexchange interactions in quantum dot systemsDeng, Kuangyin (Virginia Tech, 2021-02-10)Semiconductor quantum dot systems offer a promising platform for quantum computation. And these quantum computation candidates are normally based on spin or charge properties of electrons. In these systems, we focus on quantum computation based on electron spins since these systems has good scalability, long coherence times, and rapid gate operations. And this thesis focuses on building a theoretical description of quantum dot systems and the link between theory and experiments. In many quantum dot systems, exchange interactions are the primary mechanism used to control spins and generate entanglement. And exchange energies are normally positive, which limits control flexibility. However, recent experiments show that negative exchange interactions can arise in a linear three-dot system when a two-electron double quantum dot is exchange coupled to a larger quantum dot containing on the order of one hundred electrons. The origin of this negative exchange can be traced to the larger quantum dot exhibiting a spin triplet-like rather than singlet-like ground state. Here we show using a microscopic model based on the configuration interaction (CI) method that both triplet-like and singlet-like ground states are realized depending on the number of electrons. In the case of only four electrons, a full CI calculation reveals that triplet-like ground states occur for sufficiently large dots. These results hold for symmetric and asymmetric quantum dots in both Si and GaAs, showing that negative exchange interactions are robust in few-electron double quantum dots and do not require large numbers of electrons. Recent experiments also show the potential to utilize large quantum dots to mediate superexchange interaction and generate entanglement between distant spins. This opens up a possible mechanism for selectively coupling pairs of remote spins in a larger network of quantum dots. Taking advantage of this opportunity requires a deeper understanding of how to control superexchange interactions in these systems. Here, we consider a triple-dot system arranged in linear and triangular geometries. We use CI calculations to investigate the interplay of superexchange and nearest-neighbor exchange interactions as the location, detuning, and electron number of the mediating dot are varied. We show that superexchange processes strongly enhance and increase the range of the net spin-spin exchange as the dots approach a linear configuration. Furthermore, we show that the strength of the exchange interaction depends sensitively on the number of electrons in the mediator. Our results can be used as a guide to assist further experimental efforts towards scaling up to larger, two-dimensional quantum dot arrays.
- How Do Quasars Impact Their Host Galaxies? From the Studies of Quasar Outflows in Absorption and EmissionXu, Xinfeng (Virginia Tech, 2020-05-27)"Quasar-mode feedback" occurs when momentum and energy from the environment of accreting supermassive black hole couple to the host galaxy. One mechanism for such a coupling is by high-velocity (up to ~0.2c) quasar-driven ionized outflows, appearing as blue-shifted absorption and emission lines in quasar spectra. Given enough energy and momentum, these outflows are capable of affecting the evolution of their host galaxies. This dissertation presents the studies of emission and absorption quasar outflows from different perspectives. (1). By conducting large broad absorption line (BAL) quasar surveys in both Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Very Large Telescopes (VLT), we determined various physics properties of quasar absorption outflows, e.g., the electron number density ((ne), the distance of outflows to the central quasar (𝑅), and the kinetic energy carried by the outflow (𝐸̇k). We demonstrated that half of the typical BAL outflows are situated at 𝑅 > 100 pc, i.e., having the potential to affect the host galaxies. (2). Our group carried out a Hubble Space Telescope program (PI: Arav) for studying the outflows in the Extreme-UV, collaborating with Dr. Gerard Kriss from Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). We developed a novel method to fit the multitude of quasar absorption troughs efficiently and accurately. We have identified the most energetic quasar-driven outflows on record and discovered the largest acceleration and velocity-shift for a quasar absorption outflow. (3). By using the VLT data, Xu led the project to study the relationships between BAL outflows and emission line outflows. We found possible connections between these two types of quasar outflows, e.g., the luminosity of the [𝑂III λ5007 emission profile decreases with increasing ne derived from the BAL outflow in the same quasar. These findings are consistent with BAL and emission outflows being different manifestations of the same wind, and the observed relationships are likely a reflection of the outflow density distribution.
- Nanostructures for Coherent Light Sources and PhotodetectorsHo, Vinh Xuan (Virginia Tech, 2020-05-14)Large-scale optoelectronic integration is limited by the lack of efficient light sources and broadband photodetectors, which could be integrated with the silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Persistent efforts continue to achieve efficient light emission as well as broadband photodetection from silicon in extending the silicon technology into fully integrated optoelectronic circuits. Recent breakthroughs, including the demonstration of high-speed optical modulators, photodetectors, and waveguides in silicon, have brought the concept of transition from electrical to optical interconnects closer to realization. The on-chip light sources based on silicon are still a key challenge due to the indirect bandgap of silicon that impedes coherent light sources. To overcome this issue, we have studied, fabricated, and characterized nanostructures including single semiconductor epilayers, multiple quantum wells, and graphene-semiconductor heterostructures to develop coherent light sources and photodetectors in silicon. To develop coherent light sources, we reported the demonstration of room-temperature lasing at the technologically crucial 1.5 m wavelength range from Er-doped GaN epilayers and Er-doped GaN multiple-quantum wells grown on silicon and sapphire. The realization of room-temperature lasing at the minimum loss window of optical fiber and in the eye-safe wavelength region of 1.5 m is highly sought-after for use in many applications in various fields including defense, industrial processing, communication, medicine, spectroscopy and imaging. The results laid the foundation for achieving hybrid GaN-Si lasers providing a new pathway towards full photonic integration for silicon optoelectronics. Silicon photodiodes contribute a large portion in the photodetector market. However, silicon photodetectors are sensitive in the UV to near infrared region. Photodetection in the mid-infrared is based on thermal radiation detectors, narrow bandgap materials (InGaAs, HgCdTe) semiconductors, photo-ionization of shallow impurities in semiconductors (Si:As, Ge:Ga), and quantum well structures. Such technology requires complicated fabrication processes or cryogenic operation, resulting in manufacturing costs and severe integration issues. To develop broadband photodetectors, we focus on graphene photodetectors on silicon. Graphene generates photocarriers by absorbing photons in a broadband spectrum from the deep-ultraviolet to the terahertz region. Graphene can be realized as the next generation broadband photodetection material, especially in the infrared to terahertz region. Here, we have demonstrated high-performance hybrid photodetectors operating from the deep-ultraviolet to the mid-infrared region with high sensitivity and ultrafast response by coupling graphene with a p-type semiconductor photosensitizer, nitrogen-doped Ta2O5 thin film.
- Non-equilibrium dynamics in three-dimensional magnetic spin models and molecular motor-inspired one-dimensional exclusion processesNandi, Riya (Virginia Tech, 2021-03-10)We investigate the relaxation dynamics of two distinct non-equilibrium processes: relaxation of three-dimensional antiferromagnetic lattice spin models with Heisenberg interaction following a critical quench, and a one-dimensional exclusion process inspired by the gear-like motion of molecular motors. In a system of three-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets the non-conserved staggered magnetization components couple non-trivially to the conserved magnetization densities inducing fully reversible terms that enter the Langevin dynamic equation. We simulate the exact microscopic dynamics of such a system of antiferromagnets by employing a hybrid simulation algorithm that combines the reversible spin precession implemented by the fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration method with the standard relaxational dynamics at finite temperatures using Monte Carlo updates. We characterize the dynamic universality class of this system by probing the early temporal window where the system exhibits aging scaling properties. We also verify an earlier renormalization group prediction that the temporal decay exponent in the two-time spin autocorrelation function exhibits non-universality, specifically it depends on the width of the initial spin orientation distribution. We employ a similar numerical technique to study the critical dynamics of an anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet in the presence of an external field. The phase diagram of this system exhibits two critical lines that meet at a bicritical point. We study the aging scaling dynamics for the model C critical line, probe the model F critical line by investigating the system size dependence of the characteristic spin-wave frequencies near criticality, and measure the dynamic critical exponents for the order parameter including its aging scaling at the bicritical point. We introduce a one-dimensional non-equilibrium lattice gas model representing the processive motion of dynein molecular motors over the microtubule. We study both dynamical and stationary state properties for the model consisting of hardcore particles hopping on the lattice with variable step sizes. We find that the stationary state gap-distribution exhibits striking peaks around gap sizes that are multiples of the maximum step size, for both open and periodic boundary conditions, and verify this using a mean-field calculation. For open boundary conditions, we observe intriguing damped oscillator-like distribution of particles over the lattice with a periodicity equal to the maximum step size. To characterize transient dynamics, we measure the mean square displacement that shows weak superdiffusive growth with exponent γ≈ 1.34 for periodic boundary and ballistic growth ( γ≈ 2) for open boundary conditions at early times. We also study the effect of Langmuir dynamics on the density profile.
- Observation of Reactor Antineutrinos with the CHANDLER DetectorSubedi, Tulasi Prasad (Virginia Tech, 2020-10-26)Experimental anomalies hint at the possible existence of a sterile neutrino. Several experiments have been searching for the sterile neutrino, but none can claim either its discovery or fully rule it out. To test the sterile neutrino hypothesis, we search for short baseline oscillations using antineutrinos from nuclear reactors. We have developed a reactor antineutrino detection technology based on solid plastic scintillator, called CHANDLER, which could be used to search for short baseline reactor antineutrino oscillations. An 80 kg prototype was deployed at a commercial nuclear reactor for four and a half months with minimal shielding and no overburden. We detected an antineutrino signal of 2880 inverse beta decay events, with 5.5σ significance. This measurement represents the first observation of reactor antineutrinos in a surface-deployed, mobile neutrino detector. We envisioned several improvements to the detector from this deployment, which will be tested in an upgrade of this prototype. The full-scale detector will be able to search for sterile neutrinos and could also be used for nuclear non-proliferation applications.
- Spectral and Superpotential Effects in Heterotic CompactificationsWang, Juntao (Virginia Tech, 2021-07-16)In this dissertation we study several topics related to the geometry and physics of heterotic string compactification. After an introduction to some of the basic ideas of this field, we review the heterotic line bundle standard model construction and a complex structure mod- uli stabilization mechanism associated to certain hidden sector gauge bundles. Once this foundational material has been presented, we move on to the original research of this disser- tation. We present a scan over all known heterotic line bundle standard models to examine the frequency with which the particle spectrum is forced to change, or "jump," by the hidden sector moduli stabilization mechanism just mentioned. We find a significant percentage of forced spectrum jumping in those models where such a change of particle content is possible. This result suggests that one should consider moduli stabilization concurrently with model building, and that failing to do so could lead to misleading results. We also use state of the art techniques to study Yukawa couplings in these models. We find that a large portion of Yukawa couplings which naively would be expected to be non-zero actually vanish due to certain topological selection rules. There is no known symmetry which is responsible for this vanishing. In the final part of this dissertation, we study the Chern-Simons contribution to the superpotential of heterotic theories. This quantity is very important in determining the vacuum stability of these models. By explicitly building real bundle morphisms between vec- tor bundles over Calabi-Yau manifolds, we show that this contribution to the superpotential vanishes in many cases. However, by working with more complicated, and realistic geome- tries, we also present examples where the Chern-Simons contribution to the superpotential is non-zero, and indeed fractional.