Browsing by Author "Horvath, Laszlo"
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- Case Study: The effect of pallet design on the performance of semi-automatic and fully-automatic warehousesMejias Rojas, Alina (Virginia Tech, 2020-06-05)Pallets form the base of the unit load, which is the basis for global trade transportation. In order to achieve better performance, improve efficiency, and compete in much more versatile markets, industrial activities and pallet management service firms are becoming more automated than ever; they are adopting advanced manufacturing technologies and flexible manufacturing systems. This study focuses on the investigation of the most common compatibility issues between pallets and material handling systems in semi-automated and fully-automated warehouses. At the same time, it establishes an understanding of the downtime and frequency of problems caused by pallets in these types of facilities. This research was conducted in two phases. The primary phase was a mix mode questionnaire (phone interview and hard copy questionnaire) that was used to survey members of different industries, such as pallet manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, and pallet users. The secondary phase surveyed multiple general warehouses and storage facilities around the U.S., and surveyed warehouse professionals from manufacturing companies in the pharmaceutical, petroleum, dairy, beverage, chemical, and tobacco industries, to name a few. Results showed that 3% of the respondent warehouses are fully automated, and 20-30 % are semi-automated. Additionally, block class wooden pool pallets were identified as the most common pallet class used in semi/fully automated warehouses, followed closely by the use of stringer class recycled wooden pallets. Despite this, stringer class recycled wooden pallets were identified as the main pallet class involved in pallet related downtime in semi/ fully automated warehouses/ DC facilities. Further results present a guideline for improving automated warehouse performance, determine the pallet characteristics needed for this type of application, and expands the knowledge around downtime frequency cause by pallet related issues in these types of systems.
- Comparison of the Different Hazards Experienced by Pallets During Material HandlingSabattus, William Joseph-Clark (Virginia Tech, 2023-02-23)Pallets play a crucial role in the supply chain with approximately 2.6 billion in circulation in the United States alone. Although often overlooked, pallets can become costly for a company if not designed correctly for their specific supply chain. Durability is an essential characteristic of pallets; it defines the expected life of the pallet in the supply chain. Forklifts are the dominant mode of material handling for palletized products, and they are responsible for the majority of damages experienced by pallets. Despite the prominence of forklifts in the supply chain and their importance in pallet design, there is a lack of research focusing on the dynamic nature of forklifts in the field. The objective of this research paper was to investigate the intensity of the vibrations and shock impacts that forklifts exert during material handling. Forklifts in multiple facilities were instrumented with Lansmont SAVER 3X90 and 3D15 data loggers to measure the acceleration peak, g of shock impacts, duration of impacts, random vibration intensity and RMS (g) values during forklift handling in the field. The highest vibration levels were observed for distribution facilities with an average acceleration (peak, g) of 0.353 g. Based on the results of the vibration data collection, the vibration profile for laboratory simulation was proposed. The results of the shock measurement showed that LTL facilities recorded the highest average shock impact of all the facilities investigated, with an average acceleration value of 4.74 g with an average shock duration of 7.42 msec. The intensity of shock events measured during the FasTrack procedure was slightly greater than what was observed for the LTL facility indicating that the FasTrack simulation is slightly harsher than the field handling of pallets. Based on the results of the shock measurement, new intensity levels were recommended for the incline impact test to better represent the harshness of handling in the field. The results of this study will be used to revise the durability testing procedures used in pallet testing standards in order to better represent the current material handling processes found in modern supply chains.
- Correlation of the Elastic Properties of Stretch Film on Unit Load ContainmentBisha, James Victor (Virginia Tech, 2012-05-24)The purpose of this research was to correlate the applied material properties of stretch film with its elastic properties measured in a laboratory setting. There are currently no tools available for a packaging engineer to make a scientific decision on how one stretch film performs against another without applying the film. The system for stretch wrap comparison is mostly based on trial and error which can lead to a significant loss of product when testing a new film or shipping a new product for the first time. If the properties of applied stretch film could be predicted using a tensile test method, many different films could be compared at once without actually applying the film, saving time and money and reducing risk. The current method for evaluating the tensile properties of stretch film advises the user apply a hysteresis test to a standard sample size and calculate several standard engineering values. This test does not represent how the material is actually used. Therefore, a new tensile testing method was developed that considers the film gauge (thickness) and its prestretch. The results of this testing method allowed for the calculation of the material stiffness (Bisha Stiffness) and were used to predict its performance in unit load containment. Applied stretch film is currently compared measuring containment force, which current standards define as the amount of force required to pull out a 15.2cm diameter plate, 10.1cm out, located 25.4cm down from the top and 45.7cm over from the side of a standard 121.9cm width unit load. Given this definition, increasing the amount of force required to pull the plate out can be achieved by manipulating two different stretch film properties, either increasing the stiffness of the film or increasing the tension of the film across the face of the unit load during the application process. Therefore, for this research, the traditional definition of containment force has been broken down into two components. Applied film stiffness was defined as the amount of force required to pull the film a given distance off the unit load. Containment force was defined as the amount of force that an applied film exerts on the corner of the unit load. The applied stretch film was evaluated using two different methods. The first method used the standard 10.1cm pull plate (same plate as ASTM D 4649) to measure the force required to pull the film out at different increments from the center on the face of the unit load. This measurement force was transformed into a material stiffness and film tension (which were subsequently resolved into containment force). The second, newly developed, method involved wrapping a bar under the film, on the corner of the unit load, and pulling out on the bar with a tensile testing machine. This method allowed for the direct measurement of the containment force and material stiffness. The results indicated that while some statistically significant differences were found for certain films, the material stiffness and containment were relatively consistent and comparable using either method.The use of the Bisha Stiffness to predict the applied stiffness and containment force yielded a statistically significant correlation but with a very low coefficient of determination. These results suggest that while film thickness and prestretch are key variables that can predict applied stiffness and containment force, more research should be conducted to study other variables that may allow for a better. High variability of the predictions observed were caused by the differences in film morphology between the different method of elongation (tensile vs application). This study was the first that attempted to define and correlate the tensile properties of stretch film and the applied properties of stretch film. From this research many, terms have been clarified, myths have been dispelled, formulas have been properly derived and applied to the data collected and a clear path forward had been laid out for future researchers to be able to predict applied stiffness and containment force from the elastic properties of stretch film.
- Design of an IoT System for the Palletized Distribution Supply Chain with Model-Based Systems Engineering ToolsNavarro, Nicolas; Horvath, Laszlo; Salado, Alejandro (MDPI, 2021-12-30)In recent years, Internet-of-Things technology (IoT) has been the subject of research in diverse fields of applications. IoT plays an essential role in transitioning enterprises towards a more interconnected paradigm of manufacturing, logistics, services, and business, known as Industry 4.0. This paper presents an operational concept for a system that implements IoT technology in pallets, which are used to move products along supply chains. These sensors will help us gain insight into the conditions experienced by products and unit loads. Having this capability will allow us to obtain the information necessary for better control of product distribution along the supply chain, and to design packaging that is more efficient and effective in protecting products during distribution. In this paper, we show how Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) can be leveraged to create models that capture the required system behaviors, and we address the complexity of an IoT system within the domain of packaging and logistics applications.
- Development of a Friction-Driven Finite Element Model to Simulate the Load Bridging Effect of Unit Loads Stored in Warehouse RacksMolina, Eduardo; Horvath, Laszlo; West, Robert L. (MDPI, 2021-03-29)Current pallet design methodology frequently underestimates the load capacity of the pallet by assuming the payload is uniformly distributed and flexible. By considering the effect of payload characteristics and their interactions during pallet design, the structure of the pallets can be optimized, and raw material consumption reduced. The objective of this study was to develop and validate a finite element model capable of simulating the bending of a generic pallet while supporting a payload made of corrugated boxes and stored on a warehouse load beam rack. The model was generalized in order to maximize its applicability in unit load design. Using a two-dimensional, nonlinear, implicit dynamic model, it allowed for the evaluation of the effect of different payload configurations on the pallet bending response. The model accurately predicted the deflection of the pallet segment and the movement of the packages for a unit load segment with three or four columns of boxes supported in a warehouse rack support. Further refinement of the model would be required to predict the behavior of unit loads carrying larger boxes. The model presented provides an efficient solution to the study of the affecting factors to ultimately optimize pallet design. Such a model has not been previously developed. The model successfully acts as a tool to study and predict the load bridging performance of unit loads requiring only widely available input data, therefore providing a general solution.
- Development of a Gaussian Process Model as a Surrogate to Study Load Bridging Performance in Racked PalletsMolina, Eduardo; Horvath, Laszlo (MDPI, 2021-12-14)Current pallet design methodology frequently underestimates the load capacity of the pallet by assuming the payload is uniformly distributed and flexible. By considering the effect of payload characteristics and their interactions during pallet design, the structure of pallets can be optimized and raw material consumption reduced. The objective of this study was to develop a full description of how such payload characteristics affect load bridging on unit loads of stacked corrugated boxes on warehouse racking support. To achieve this goal, the authors expanded on a previously developed finite element model of a simplified unit load segment and conducted a study to screen for the significant factors and interactions. Subsequently, a Gaussian process (GP) regression model was developed to efficiently and accurately replicate the simulation model. Using this GP model, a quantification of the effects and interactions of all the identified significant factors was provided. With this information, packaging designers and researchers can engineer unit loads that consider the effect of the relevant design variables and their impact on pallet performance. Such a model has not been previously developed and can potentially reduce packaging materials’ costs.
- The Effect of Forklift Type, Pallet Design, Entry Speed, and Top Load on the Horizontal Shock Impacts Exerted during the Interactions between Pallet and ForkliftMasis, Jorge; Horvath, Laszlo; Böröcz, Péter (MDPI, 2022-07-12)Forklift handling of palletized loads produces shock impacts that cause significant damage, affecting the durability and life cycle of pallets and unit loads. Laboratory testing processes using an incline impact tester have been developed to assess the resistance of pallets and unit loads to shock impact damage. A key element of the pallet durability test using the incline impact tester is the intensity of the impact. However, there is a lack of information on the intensity of the shock impacts during forklift handling. The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of forklift type, pallet design, entry speed, and top load on the horizontal shock responses measured during the interactions between pallets and forklifts. Two data loggers, SAVER 3X90 and 3D15, were used to measure the horizontal shock impacts experienced during the same event on both the pallet and the forklift. The results showed that the average peak acceleration of the forklift was 2.98 G; the same event resulted in a 4.4 times greater peak acceleration in the pallet. The average duration of these impacts was 10–12 ms. Pallet design and entry speed had the greatest effect on the response measured for the forklift, while the pallet was most heavily influenced by entry speed and forklift type. The paper mainly focused on measuring the severity of the impacts and did not attempt to correlate the measured impacts to damage experienced by unit loads.
- Effect of Pallet Deckboard Stiffness and Unit Load Factors on Corrugated Box Compression StrengthBaker, Matthew W. (Virginia Tech, 2016-03-29)Corrugated paper boxes are the predominant packaging and shipping material and account for the majority of packaging refuse by weight. Wooden pallets are equally predominant in shipping, transportation and warehousing logistics. The interaction between these two components is complex and unexplored leaving industry to compensate with outdated component specific safety factors. Providing a focused exploration of the box and pallet interaction will open the door for holistic design practices that will reduce cost, weight, damage, and safety incidents. This study was separated into four chapters exploring different aspects of the corrugated box to pallet interaction. The first chapter evaluates the support surface provided by a pallet consists of deckboards spaced perpendicular to the length of the pallet. The resulting gaps between deckboards reduce the support to the box. Gaps were limited to 55% of box sidewall length for practical reasons. The effect of gaps was significant and produced a nonlinear reduction in box strength. Small boxes were more susceptible to gaps than larger boxes. Moving the gap closer to the corner increased its effect while increasing the number of gaps did not increase the effect. A modification to the McKee equation was produced that was capable of predicting the loss in strength due to gaps. The equation is novel in that is modifies a widely used equation and is the first such equation capable of handling multiple box sizes. This study also has practical implications for packaging designers who must contend with pallet gap. Chapter 2 explores the relationship between deckboard deflection and box compression strength. Testing found that reducing the stiffness of the deckboard decreases the compression strength of the box by 26.4%. The location of the box relative to the stringer also had varying effects on the box strength. A combination of deckboard stiffness and gaps produced mixed with results with gaps reducing the effect of stiffness. It was observed that lower stiffness deckboards not only deflect but also twist during compression. The torsion is suspected to have a significant influence on compression but further exploration is needed. The third chapter tests the effect of box flap length on box compression strength under various support conditions. Variables included four flap lengths, gaps between deckboards, low stiffness deckboards, column stacking and misaligned stacking. The results show that the box flaps can be reduced by 25% with no significant effect of box strength under any support condition tested. Furthermore, the box flap can be reduced by 50% with less than 10% loss in compression strength under all scenarios. These results have significant sustainability implication as 25% and 50% reduction in box flap reduce material usage by approximately 12% and 24%, respectively. In the fourth and final chapter, the theory of beam-on-elastic foundation is applied to deckboard bending and corrugated boxes. In this model the corrugated box acts and the foundation and the deckboard is the beam. Rotational stiffness, load bridging, and foundation stiffness changes required the development of novel testing solution and model development. The model was capable of predicting the distribution of force along the length sidewall but was not capable of predicting the ultimate strength of the box. The model developed in the study will be applicable in determining potential weakness in the unit load in addition to optimizing those that are over designed. These four chapters represent a considerable contribution of applicable research to a field that relied on outdated safety factors over thirty years. These safety factors often lead to costly over design in an industry where corrugated box and pallets volumes make event the smallest improvements highly beneficial. Furthermore, this research has opened the door for significant additional research that will undoubtedly provided even greater economic and sustainability benefits.
- The Effect of Pallet Top Deck Stiffness on the Compression Strength of Asymmetrically Supported Corrugated BoxesQuesenberry, Chandler Blake (Virginia Tech, 2020-03-18)During unitized shipment, the components of unit loads are interacting with each other. During floor stacking of unit loads, the load on the top of the pallet causes the top deck of the pallet to bend which creates an uneven top deck surface resulting in uneven, or asymmetrical support of the corrugated boxes. This asymmetrical support could significantly affect the strength of the corrugated boxes, and it depends on the top deck stiffness of the pallet. This study is aimed at investigating how the variations of pallet top deck stiffness and the resulting asymmetric support, affects corrugated box compression strength. Pallet top deck stiffness was determined to have a significant effect on box compression strength. There was a 27-37% increase in box compression strength for boxes supported by high stiffness pallets in comparison to low stiffness pallets. The fact that boxes were weaker on low stiffness pallets could be explained by the uneven pressure distribution between the pallet deck and bottom layer of boxes. Pressure data showed that a higher percentage of total pressure was located under the box sidewalls that were supported on the outside stringers of low stiffness pallets in comparison to high stiffness pallets. This was disproportionately loading one side of the box. Utilizing the effects of pallet top deck stiffness on box compression performance, a unit load cost analysis is presented showing that a stiffer pallet can be used to carry boxes with less board material; hence, it can reduce the total unit load packaging cost.
- The Effect of the Stiffness of Unit Load Components on Pallet Deflection and Box Compression StrengthPhanthanousy, Samantha (Virginia Tech, 2017-06-08)Currently, pallets are designed assuming that the load is distributed evenly on the top of the pallet. When pallets are loaded with packages such as corrugated boxes or returnable plastic containers, due to their physical shape, packages, are not capable of deforming freely with the pallet and a bridging phenomenon occurs. During this load bridging phenomenon, a portion of the vertical forces are redistributed as horizontal forces which causes the redistribution of the vertical compression stresses on the pallet towards the support. As a result, the deflection of the pallet can decrease and the load capacity of the pallet can increase significantly. The second chapter of this paper investigates the effect of package content on pallet deflection. The study concluded that package content did not have a significant effect on pallet deflection within the boundary conditions of the experiment. The third part of this paper considers how a specific pallet characteristic could affect the way a corrugated box performs. Standard box design procedures include adjustments of estimated compression strength for relative humidity, overhang on pallets, vibration, and alignment of boxes. However, there is no adjustment factor for pallet stiffness. The objective of the study described in this thesis is to find an answer for how the compression strength of a box is affected by pallet stiffness and top deckboard twist. The study concluded that the pallet stiffness and top deckboard twist do not have an effect on the compression strength of the box until less than 12% of the area box is supported.
- Evaluation of the Ability of Adhesives to Substitute Nails in Wooden Block PalletsAlvarez, Gloria Amelia (Virginia Tech, 2019-02-01)The most common fastening technique that is used to connect the components of wooden pallets together are helically or annularly threaded pallet nails. Pallet nails create a strong durable connection and increase manufacturing efficiency for a low cost. However, nails can also cause iron staining, wood splitting, and when exposed can cause product damage or personnel injury. Using adhesives could be a solution to these problems, but only if the adhesives' strength and durability is comparable or higher than nails. The objective of the study was to investigate the tensile and shear strength of pallet connections secured using commercially available wood adhesives and compare their performance to pallet connections secured using common pallet nails. The lowest pre-compression pressure resulted in the best tension and shear performance for a solvent based construction adhesive (SBCA). The pre-compression pressure did not have any practical effect on the performance of the two-part emulsion polymer isocyanate (EPI) adhesive. Samples made with the solvent based construction adhesive (SBCA) had greater strength and energy at failure than nailed samples. Meanwhile, the samples made with the two-part emulsion polymer isocyanate (EPI) adhesive had equal or greater strength than nailed samples, except for during the tension parallel to the grain tests in which they had equal or lower strength.
- Evaluation of the Pallet Deflection that Occurs Under Forklift Handling ConditionsHuang, Yu Yang (Virginia Tech, 2021-09-24)Industrial forklifts consist of one of the most common handling methods for pallets in warehouses and distribution centers. Pallets deflect while they are being transported by forklifts due to the weight of the unit load. Thus, most of the deflection is observed to occur on the outside edges and corners of the pallet. Several international standards are used in order to define the maximum deflection for pallet bending, including ISO 8611 and ASTM D1185. However, there is still a lack of understanding on the accuracy of these deflection limits and the exact performance of a pallet during a forklift support condition. Understanding pallet bending during forklift support condition and how it affects the stability of a unit load helps create an industry accepted deflection limit that will help to design safer and more cost-effective pallets. For this study, two chapters were proposed in order to assess pallet deflection and unit load stability. The first chapter consisted of measuring and analyzing the vibration levels for three different industrial forklifts affect by factors such as the speed, the payload of the unit load carried, sensor location, forklift type, and road conditions. The results obtained showed that the highest vibration intensity occurred at 3-4 Hz, while the highest overall Grms value observed was 0.145 G2/Hz (between 1-200 Hz). An increase in the forklift speed caused an increase in vibration intensity. In contrast, an increase in the unit load weight carried by the forklift caused a decrease in vibration intensity. Among the three forklifts studied, the gas-powered forklift had the highest vibration intensity, and all forklifts, when driven on asphalt, experienced more vibration. The second chapter of the research project consisted of evaluating pallet deflection under forklift handling conditions. These conditions included fork tines configuration (leveled and 4° angle), unit load condition (bound and unbound), pallet orientation (across width and across length), and type of handling condition (static and dynamic). The results showed that when unit loads were handled in a static condition, they survived the throughout the entire testing. However, when they were tested under a dynamic condition, and specifically, with the unbound unit loads, they did not survive the entire testing. Moreover, unit loads that were tested with the 4° angle forktines configuration tended to survive longer during the dynamic testing. For this particular case, the unit load capacity obtained based on the ISO 8611 standard was too conservative.
- Evaluation of Unit Load Stability Under Dynamic Forklift Handling ConditionsCapizzi, Seth (Virginia Tech, 2024-06-12)A vast amount of goods and products are transported in bulk as palletized unit loads, where the pallet is the base of the unit load. Material handling systems represent the physical environment in which unit loads are transported through supply chains. Material handling systems include different transportation modes and storage conditions, many of which are well researched. While industrial forklifts are paramount to material handling systems, the physical effect they have on load systems is not well understood. The weight of the unit load causes the pallets to deflect, and previous research has revealed that forklift vibration amplifies pallet deflection. The effects of forklift vibration on pallet deflection are not considered in international standards used to determine pallet load capacities. Standards such as ISO 8611 and ASTM D1185 provide deflection limits that are used to determine pallet load capacities, yet there is a lack of understanding and justification on these deflection limits related to forklift support conditions. A comprehensive understanding of the effects of forklift vibration on unit load performance is necessary to produce accurate and safe load capacity ratings. In this research, two studies were completed to gain further understanding on unit load performance and stability in forklift handling conditions. The first study evaluated pallet deflection and unit load stability of unbound unit loads designed with a 20 mm. performance limit (ISO 8611, 2011). Common forklift handling factors were investigated and included fork tine angle (level and 4-degree incline) and pallet orientation (racked across the width and across the length). The results showed that the dynamic environment of forklift handling created unstable unit loads. The second study of this research project investigated unit load performance against unit load design factors of load capacity (500 lbs., 750 lbs., 900 lbs.) and box size (8 in., 12 in., 16 in.). The results showed that unit load instability occurred at all load levels and all box sizes. Additionally, an increase in box size decreased load bridging for unit loads under fork tine support conditions. Furthermore, the time to instability was used to calculate projected forklift travel distances that can be used to further optimize material handling systems.
- Finite Element Modeling of Plastic Pails when Interacting with Wooden PalletsAlvarez Valverde, Mary Paz (Virginia Tech, 2024-06-04)The physical supply chain relies on three components to transport products: the pallet, the package, and unit load stabilizers. The interactions between these three components can be investigated to understand the relationship between them to find potential optimization strategies. The relationship between corrugated boxes and pallets have been previously investigated and have found that the relationship can be used to reduce the quantity of material used in unit loads and can also reduce the cost per unit load if the package and pallet are designed using a systems approach. Although corrugated boxes are a common form of packaging, plastic pails are also used in packaging for liquids and powders, but they have not been previously investigated. To understand the interactions between the wooden pallet and plastic pails, physical tests were conducted and then used to create and validate a finite element model. The experiments were carried out in three phases. The first phase included physical testing of plastic pails where the deckboard gap and overhang support conditions would be isolated by using a rigid deckboard scenario. The second phase also used physical tests to investigate plastic pails but instead used flexible deckboards and used an overhang support condition and a 3.5 in. gap support condition. The third phase of experiments would develop and validate a finite element model to further understand the impact of deckboard gaps and overhang depending on the location of the gap. Previous physical experiments were used to create and validate the finite element model. Nonlinear eigen buckling analysis was used to model the plastic pail buckling failure that was seen in physical testing. The model based on the physical experiments was able to predict the behavior of the plastic pail within a range of 5-12% variation with higher variation being introduced when the flexible deckboard is introduced. The finite element model was then used to model a range of deckboard gap sizes and overhang sizes as well as different locations for deckboard gaps. The results of the experiments indicate that the percent of pail perimeter that is supported directly on the pallet impacts the compression strength of the plastic pail. Decreasing the quantity of support decreases the compression strength of the plastic pail in a linear pattern. The location of the deckboard gap also influenced the compression strength because of the quantity of pail being supported being altered. The results of the experiments can be used by industry members to provide guidelines on unit load design to prevent plastic pail failure. Industry members can also use the results as a baseline investigation and further the finite element model by incorporating their own plastic pail design.
- How much load can my pallet carry?Horvath, Laszlo (Virginia Tech. Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design, 2018-02-02)Properly determining the exact load carrying capacity of a pallet is essential to ensure the effectiveness of the supply chain. Multiple testing procedures are published by different organizations and all could be used to estimate the load capacity of pallets. This presentation covers the differences between various ASTM, ISO, and AIAG pallet testing standards, shows the design requirements required by big box stores, and shows how the load carrying capacity depends on the type of load carried by the pallet.
- The Influence of Package Size and Flute Type of Corrugated Boxes on Load Bridging in Unit LoadsPark, Jonghun; Horvath, Laszlo; White, Marshall S.; Phanthanousy, Samantha; Araman, Philip; Bush, Robert J. (2017-01)Shipping pallets often are designed with the assumption that the payload carried is flexible and uniformly distributed on the pallet surface. However, packages on the pallet can act as a series of discrete loads, and the physical interactions among the packages can add stiffness to the pallet/load combination. The term 'load bridging' has been used to describe this phenomenon. The study reported in this paper investigated the relationships of package size, corrugated flute type and pallet stiffness to load bridging and the resulting unit-load deflection. The experimental results indicated that an increase in box size changed the unit-load deflection by as much as 75%. Flute type was found to impact load bridging and the resulting unit-load deflection. Changing the corrugated box flute type from B-flute or BC-flute to E-flute reduces the unit-load deflection by as much as 40%. Also, experimental data indicates that the effect of package size and corrugated board flute type on pallet deflection is the greatest for low stiffness pallets. The results provide information that can be used to design unit loads that use material more efficiently.
- The influence of stretch wrap containment force on load bridging in unit loadsPark, Jonghun; Horvath, Laszlo; White, Marshall S.; Araman, Philip; Bush, Robert J. (2018-11)The term load bridging describes a phenomenon in which the physical interaction between various packaging components acts as a series of discrete loads in a given unit load and adds stiffness to the shipping pallet/load combination. Current pallet design practices often ignore the aspect of load bridging and assume that the pallet payload is flexible and uniformly distributed over the pallet surface. This can influence the load-carrying capacity of the pallet. The study reported in this paper investigated the relationship between the stretch wrap containment force and load bridging in unit loads and the resulting unit-load deflection. The experimental results of this study indicate that an increase in the stretch wrap containment force can improve the unit-load deflection by as much as 81%. The influence of the stretch wrap containment force on pallet deflection is greatest for small packages and pallets with low stiffness. These experimental results provide useful information for realizing more efficient and sustainable unit-load designs.
- Investigation and Analysis of the Effect of Industrial Drums and Plastic Pails on Wooden Pallets throughout the Supply ChainAlvarez Valverde, Mary Paz (Virginia Tech, 2021-10-05)In the supply chain there are three components: transportation method, the pallet, and the packaging. Traditionally, there has been a poor understanding of the way that pallet design can impact the supply chain. There are historical studies that illustrate the importance of investigating how box stacking pattern, unit load type, unit load size, and containment can impact the pallet's performance. However, there have been no studies that have investigated the impact of drums and plastic pails on pallet performance. The goal of the current research study was to investigate how plastic pails and drums affect pallet bending and the distribution of the pressure on the top surface of the pallet. The investigation was conducted using four different support conditions commonly found in warehouses: racking across the width and length, single stacking, and double stacking. The results of the investigation indicated that for most support conditions, loading the pallet with plastic pails or drums results in a significant reduction in deflection when compared to a uniformly distributed load. The maximum observed reduction in pallet deflection was 85% when testing with drums in the double stack condition and 89% when testing with plastic pails in the single stack condition. The large reductions in deflection could indicate that the pallets were over-designed for the unit load that they were supporting. Pressure mat distribution images collected during the experiment display a load bridging effect where the stress of the drums and pails are redistributed to the supported sides of the pallet. The data also show that drums made of different materials distribute the pressure onto the pallet in a significantly different manner.
- Investigation into load bridging effect for block class pallets as a function of package size and pallet stiffnessMorrissette, Steven Michael (Virginia Tech, 2019-07-08)Pallets and corrugated boxes are ubiquitous in the global supply chain. However, the interactions that exist between the boxes and pallet are ignored during the pallet design process resulting in an over design of pallet performance and the waste of raw materials. The goal of this research is to understand how pallet performance is affected by headspace, box size, and base design across multiple support conditions using block class wooden pallets. Headspace and base design had no effect on pallet deflection for the experimental weights used throughout testing. The effect of box size was significant on pallet deflection across multiple support conditions. The effect was greatest for lower stiffness pallets and low stiffness support conditions (RAW) with up to a 50% reduction in pallet deflection observed by switching from small to large boxes on a very low stiffness pallet. Evaluation of pressure mat data showed an increase in the redistribution of pressure away from the center of the pallet and towards the supports as box size increased. The redistribution of pressure towards the supports is known as load bridging and validates the observed reduction in pallet deflection as a function of box size. The results indicate that incorporating the effect of packages into current pallet design practices could result more effective and cheaper pallet designs.
- Investigation into Pallet Durability Throughout the Hazards that Pallets Experience During Regular Use and HandlingMasis Ulloa, Jorge Andres (Virginia Tech, 2022-02-09)Pallet durability is a key characteristic with significant impact on a company's supply chain. Physical durability is defined as the number of trips that the pallet will accomplish before requiring repairs. Numerous studies have focused on understanding how durability is affected by different pallet components and warehouse environment characteristics. The VPI FasTrack is a testing sequence created to predict the performance of a pallet in a warehouse environment through different handling modes. However, this simulation has not been updated since its creation in 1993; therefore, a revision is needed to make it more closely reflect the behavior of a pallet in terms of durability. The objective of the current research was to investigate the ability of the FasTrack procedure to replicate the damages caused by material handling and storage systems in modern warehouses. This investigation was conducted through visual inspections of the damages seen on pallets used in the field, and pallets tested with FasTrack. The results of this study show the differences between the simulation-tested pallets and those from the field. The FasTrack simulation focuses heavily on top lead deckboard and stringer damage. The occurrence of damage modes such as splits and missing wood, were identified for these components. It was found that most of the damages from this simulation are created due to forklift handling. Because of substantial forklift handling damages, an experimental design was developed to investigate the effects of entry speed, payload, forklift type, and pallet design on the stresses exerted on a pallet, measured in terms of peak acceleration. The factors with the greatest effect on forklift peak acceleration and pallet peak acceleration were identified. The research shows that the acceleration in the pallet is approximately 4.4 times greater than the acceleration recorded in the forklift; however, the model of pallet acceleration based on forklift acceleration as a predictor shows poor performance. Different modifications to FasTrack are proposed according to the findings of this research. It is advised that they continue the FasTrack procedure past the point of repairable damage in a pallet, which is the usual practice when pallets are handled in the field. Further investigation of steps such as the flow rack and the stack storage are proposed, due to their low damage output during the simulation. The experimental design also showed that different damage severity levels from the FasTrack simulation are possible with variations in top load and entry speed. These changes could improve the ability of the VPI FasTrack to replicate the damages that pallets experience in the field.