Browsing by Author "Lineburg, Mark Young"
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- An Analysis of Random Student Drug Testing Policies and Patterns of Practice In Virginia Public SchoolsLineburg, Mark Young (Virginia Tech, 2005-02-11)There were two purposes to this study. First, the study was designed to determine which Virginia public school districts have articulated policies that govern random drug testing of students and if school districts' policies aligned with U.S. Supreme Court standards and Virginia statutes. The second purpose was to ascertain the patterns of practice in selected Virginia school districts that currently conduct random drug testing of students. This included identifying which student groups were being tested and for which drugs. It was also of interest to learn how school districts monitor the testing program and if drug testing practices were aligned with the policies that govern them. Data were gathered by examining student handbooks and district policies in order to determine which school districts had drug testing policies. These policies then were analyzed using a legal framework constructed from U.S. Supreme Court standards that have emerged from case law governing search and seizure in schools. Finally, data on patterns of practice were collected through in-depth interviewing and observation of those individuals responsible for implementing student drug testing in those districts that have such programs. The analyses revealed that the current policies and patterns of practice in random drug testing programs in Virginia public schools comply with Supreme Court standards and state statutes. Student groups subject to testing in Virginia public schools include student athletes and students in extracurricular activities in grades eight through twelve. Monitoring systems in the school districts implementing random drug testing were not consistent. There is evidence that the school districts implementing random drug testing programs have strong community support for the program.
- A Case Study of Crestwood Primary School: Organizational Routines Implemented For Data-Driven Decison MakingWilliams, Kimberly Graybeal (Virginia Tech, 2014-10-30)The research study investigated how organizational routines influenced classroom and intervention instruction in a primary school. Educators have used student data for decades but they continue to struggle with the best way to use data to influence instruction. The historical overview of the research highlighted the context of data use from the Effective Schools movement through the No Child Left Behind Act noting the progression of emphasis placed on student data results. While numerous research studies have focused on the use of data, the National Center for Educational Evaluation and Regional Assistance (2009) reported that existing research on the use of data to make instructional decisions does not yet provide conclusive evidence of what practices work to improve student achievement. A descriptive case study methodology was employed to investigate the educational phenomenon of organizational routines implemented for data-driven decision making to influence classroom and intervention instruction. The case study examined a school that faced the macrolevel pressures of school improvement. The study triangulated data from surveys, interviews, and document analysis in an effort to reveal common themes about organizational routines for data-driven decision making. The study participants identified 14 organizational routines as influencing instruction. The interview questions focused on the common themes of (a) curriculum alignment, (b) common assessments, (c) guided reading levels, (d) professional learning communities, and (e) acceleration plans. The survey respondents and interview participants explained how the organizational routines facilitated the use of data by providing (a) focus and direction, (b) student centered instruction, (c) focus on student growth, (d) collaboration and teamwork, (e), flexible grouping of students, and (f) teacher reflection and ownership of all students. Challenges and unexpected outcomes of the organizational routines for data-driven decision making were also discussed. The challenges with the most references included (a) time, (b) too much data (c) data with conflicting information, (d) the pacing guide, and (e) changing teacher attitudes and practices. Ultimately, a data-driven culture was cultivated within the school that facilitated instructional adjustments resulting in increased academic achievement.
- Principals' Indications of Effective Strategies and Interventions to Decrease Chronic Student Absenteeism in Virginia's High SchoolsWilkerson, Magie Lenhart (Virginia Tech, 2022-02-01)The purpose of this study was to identify what high school principals indicate are effective strategies and interventions to reduce chronic student absenteeism. Research has shown chronic student absenteeism is highest among high school students (Stronge and Associates, 2019; U.S. Department of Education, n.d.), and effects may include low academic achievement, possible high school dropout, and poor outcomes in adulthood (Elias, 2019; Ready, 2010; Stronge and Associates, 2019; Virginia Department of Education [VDOE], n.d.). Chronic student absenteeism is one measure of school performance in Virginia and therefore, a responsibility of the school principal to monitor, maintain, or improve (VDOE, n.d). This study sought to answer the following research questions: 1. What strategies and interventions do high school principals indicate they utilize and implement to reduce chronic student absenteeism? 2. What are the perceptions of high school principals regarding the effectiveness of strategies and interventions they utilized and implemented in order to reduce chronic student absenteeism? This study included a survey of 8 Virginia high school principals whose school experienced a reduced rate of chronic absenteeism between 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018- 2019. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) reported chronic absenteeism as a measure of school accountability beginning in 2016. Additionally, this study included semi-structured interviews with 3 of the high school principals. The survey and interview questions aimed to determine various strategies and interventions high school principals implement to reduce chronic student absenteeism, along with the effectiveness of each. Principals in this study reported communication, involving school stakeholders, creating a positive school culture, and utilizing accountability practices as means to reduce chronic student absenteeism. Principals perceived communication and engaging instruction to be effective strategies or interventions utilized in order to reduce chronic student absenteeism, while data collection and management were considered to be least effective. The study suggests principals could engage in those practices perceived as effective in reducing chronic student absenteeism, but also school divisions could provide job embedded professional development to enhance the knowledge and skills of principals related to the topic.
- The Simultaneous Implementation of Two School Improvement Models in a Rural Southwest Virginia School SystemCarter, Dennis Gale Jr. (Virginia Tech, 2014-11-22)The purpose of the study was to describe the process of simultaneous implementation of the Indistar model of school improvement and the University of Virginia School Turnaround model of school improvement and how those models influenced school improvement practices in a rural Southwest Virginia school system. Best practices from each of the school improvement models were identified and adopted, which led to the establishment of a hybrid model of school improvement. The study documents how and why the practices were adopted and used in the hybrid model. The paper includes a literature review which examines the evolution of school improvement in the U.S. The description of the historical development of school reform sets the context for in-depth reviews of five current research studies. The studies selected for review, as well as the research study, focus on the role of the central office in school improvement. A synthesis of the studies' findings provided evidence that further research was needed. Data sources for the study include an individual interview of the superintendent, focus group interviews of central office administration and school leadership teams, archival records, and documents. The focus group interviews were conducted to describe the process of implementation of the two school improvement models and to identify school improvement practices that were adopted by the division. This study identifies the practices that were adopted and implemented throughout the rural Southwest Virginia school system. Best practices that are used in the hybrid model of school improvement are Professional Learning Communities, acceleration teams, 90-day school improvement plans, and a tiered remediation program. Barriers to implementation of school improvement were time, the initial lack of support in the Indistar model, involvement, and the understanding of data and data analysis. The themes of professional development, external and internal supports, and sustainability of school improvement are discussed in Chapter 5. Recommendations for practice and future research are presented.
- Staying the Course: The Development of Virginia's Standards of Learning and the Decision not to Adopt the Common Core State StandardsFoulke, Gary Brian (Virginia Tech, 2015-01-09)The research study investigated the history of the curriculum standards movement in the Commonwealth of Virginia in the context of the national standards movement in order to explain how and why the Commonwealth of Virginia arrived at the decision not to adopt the Common Core State Standards based on descriptive evidence. The study utilized a qualitative methodology with a two-phase data collection process. First, documents from the Virginia Board of Education and the Virginia Department of Education were collected and analyzed using the constant comparative method (Maykut and Morehouse, 1994). Second, data were collected from major figures in the history of Virginia public education over the last 20 years, including former Superintendents of Public Instruction, through in-person interviews. Data from the interviews were analyzed using the constant comparative method (Maykut and Morehouse, 1994). An interview protocol was developed, tested for content validity, and piloted prior to conducting the interviews. Categories that emerged from the data analysis for both research questions were identified and descriptive evidence was presented related to both research questions. Three major conclusions from the study were identified and discussed that appeared to influence Virginia's decision not to participate in the Common Core State Standards: the Virginia Standards of Learning are an institutionalized system; the Virginia Standards of Learning had bipartisan political support; and confidence in the Standards of Learning outweighed confidence in the Common Core State Standards.
- Supporting New Teachers through Induction Programs: New Teacher Perceptions of Mentoring and Instructional CoachingWygal, Matthew Taylor (Virginia Tech, 2017-01-09)Novice teachers need support as they enter their career in education. Supports can be given through various forms including mentoring and instructional coaching. The supports are put into place by school districts to assist with student achievement as well as teacher retention. This case study examines a school districts elementary schools and the supports put into place for novice teachers, with a particular focus on mentoring and instructional coaching. The case study drew from interviews, observations, and document reviews from four different elementary schools and eight individuals, including novice teachers, mentors, and instructional coaches. Coding took place and a thematic analysis took place. Triangulation of all three data points kept this qualitative study reliable and accurate. The three findings include: 1) Perceptions of mentoring and instructional coaching program components, 2) Novice teachers perceptions of mentoring and instructional coaching support, and 3) Mentors and instructional coaches perceptions of their roles in supporting novice teachers. The findings focus on recognizing the perceptions of those involved in induction programs for novice teachers and how those supports provide the necessary needs for new teachers to stay in the field of education. Specifically, perceptions were identified to indicate if one program served a better purpose for what novice teachers want and need to be successful. The purpose of the research was to understand how novice teachers perceive types of support and how the supports effect their retention and performance. The results of the study would assist a school system in terms of where to invest funds to provide the most needed support for novice teachers.