Principals' Indications of Effective Strategies and Interventions to Decrease Chronic Student Absenteeism in Virginia's High Schools

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Virginia Tech


The purpose of this study was to identify what high school principals indicate are effective strategies and interventions to reduce chronic student absenteeism. Research has shown chronic student absenteeism is highest among high school students (Stronge and Associates, 2019; U.S. Department of Education, n.d.), and effects may include low academic achievement, possible high school dropout, and poor outcomes in adulthood (Elias, 2019; Ready, 2010; Stronge and Associates, 2019; Virginia Department of Education [VDOE], n.d.). Chronic student absenteeism is one measure of school performance in Virginia and therefore, a responsibility of the school principal to monitor, maintain, or improve (VDOE, n.d).

This study sought to answer the following research questions:

  1. What strategies and interventions do high school principals indicate they utilize and implement to reduce chronic student absenteeism?
  2. What are the perceptions of high school principals regarding the effectiveness of strategies and interventions they utilized and implemented in order to reduce chronic student absenteeism?

This study included a survey of 8 Virginia high school principals whose school experienced a reduced rate of chronic absenteeism between 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018- 2019. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) reported chronic absenteeism as a measure of school accountability beginning in 2016. Additionally, this study included semi-structured interviews with 3 of the high school principals. The survey and interview questions aimed to determine various strategies and interventions high school principals implement to reduce chronic student absenteeism, along with the effectiveness of each.

Principals in this study reported communication, involving school stakeholders, creating a positive school culture, and utilizing accountability practices as means to reduce chronic student absenteeism. Principals perceived communication and engaging instruction to be effective strategies or interventions utilized in order to reduce chronic student absenteeism, while data collection and management were considered to be least effective. The study suggests principals could engage in those practices perceived as effective in reducing chronic student absenteeism, but also school divisions could provide job embedded professional development to enhance the knowledge and skills of principals related to the topic.



Chronic Student Absenteeism, Interventions, School Quality Indicator, Strategies
