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The mission of AdvanceVT is to assist Virginia Tech in preparing, recruiting, and retaining high quality and diverse faculty. To accomplish this mission, our programs are designed to facilitate success in scholarship, teaching, engagement and administration for a wide range of audiences. These programs target graduate students preparing for faculty careers, new faculty just starting out, senior faculty preparing for leadership roles, search committees, department heads, and senior administrators. AdvanceVT began in 2003 with a grant from the National Science Foundation to promote and enhance the careers of women in academic science and engineering through institutional transformation. Grant funding continued until August 2010. High impact initiatives continue with support from university partners, and have been expanded to include faculty in all disciplines. See for more information.
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- ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Grant Proposal: Virginia TechHyer, Patricia B.; Thole, Karen A.; Love, Nancy G. (2002)Virginia Tech proposes a comprehensive program to promote and enhance the careers of women in science and engineering. The project has four major program elements that address institutional barriers that have constrained the advancement of women faculty members in the sciences and engineering (S&E) and target institutional culture, practices, and leadership development needs specific to Virginia Tech. The four program elements are listed here, with outcome measures and process activities that support each element.
- Institutionalizing change
- Measurable Outcome: A change in the awareness, attitudes, and behaviors of key administrators and faculty members in S&E regarding gender equity issues.
- Project Activities: retreats and workgroups for faculty and academic leaders, site visits to or interaction with other ADVANCE projects, qualitative assessment of the experience of women faculty in S&E, and review of policies and programs.
- Empowering women as leaders and scholars
- Measurable Outcome: A significant increase in the percentage of women in visible positions as academic and technical leaders and as senior scholars in S&E.
- Project Activities: half-time placements in leadership roles, research grants, faculty development, a named lecture series, and a flexible work/life fund.
- Increasing the representation of women
- Measurable Outcome: A significant increase in the percentage of women faculty in S&E.
- Project Activities: intensive work with search committees, visits to other campuses and conferences, and incentives for faculty involvement in recruitment activities.
- Advancing women into faculty careers
- Measurable Outcome: A significant increase in the percentage of women in S&E who choose faculty careers.
- Project Activities: program to prepare the future professoriate and expanded dissertation year/postdoctoral fellowship program.
- Institutionalizing change
- ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award: Virginia Tech - Project SummaryNational Science Foundation (Virginia Tech, 2002-09-25)Virginia Tech proposes a comprehensive program to promote and enhance the careers of women in science and engineering. The project has four major program elements that address institutional barriers that have constrained the advancement of women faculty members in the sciences and engineering (S&E) and target institutional culture, practices, and leadership development needs specific to Virginia Tech. The four program elements are listed here, with outcome measures and process activities that support each element.
- AdvanceVT Workshop 2004(Virginia Tech, 2004-01-12)Agenda and itinerary for the AdvanceVT workshop, held on January 12, 2004, at the Hotel Roanoke in Roanoke, VA.
- AdvanceVT Newsletter #1 February 2004Layne, Margaret E. (Virginia Tech, 2004-02)The first AdvanceVT newsletter describes the program, introduces the leadership team, and highlights upcoming events.
- AdvanceVT Newsletter: March 2004AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2004-03)Inside this issue: Funding for Visiting Scholars; AdvanceVT Visiting Scholar; Child Care Survey Update; Women Science and Engineering Faculty Nationwide, by Rank; Doctoral Degrees Earned by Women in U.S. Institutions, by Field: 1970-1999; Virginia Tech Faculty by Rank and Gender; Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty at Virginia Tech, by College; AdvanceVT Faculty Development and Support Opportunities
- AdvanceVT Newsletter: April 2004AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2004-04)Inside this issue: Congratulations to AdvanceVT Graduate Fellows; Congratulations to AdvanceVT Leadership Fellows; Tenure Track Women Faculty in Science; Tenure Track Women Faculty in Engineering; Virginia Tech Science Faculty by Rank and Gender, Fall 2003; Virginia Tech Engineering Faculty by Rank and Gender, Fall 2003; Congratulations to AdvanceVT Research Seed Grant Recipients; AdvanceVT Visiting Scholars
- AdvanceVT Progress ReportAdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2004-04-19)This presentation gives an overview of AdvanceVT's programmatic activities and accomplishments as of 2004.
- AdvanceVT Annual Report : Year 1 : September 2003 - June 2004Layne, Margaret E. (Virginia Tech, 2004-07-16)The overall goal of AdvanceVT is to contribute to the development of a national science and engineering academic workforce that includes the full participation of women at all levels of faculty and academic leadership, particularly at the senior academic ranks, through the transformation of institutional practices, policies, climate and culture at Virginia Tech. The program has four major elements: advancing women into faculty careers, increasing the representation of women faculty in science and engineering, empowering women as leaders and scholars, and institutionalizing change.
- AdvanceVT Newsletter: September 2004AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2004-09)Inside this issue: Welcome to New Women Faculty in Science and Engineering; Child Care Survey Highlights; Current Child Care Arrangements; Child Care Needs; Faculty Work-Life Questionnaire; Funding Opportunities; Visiting Scholars
- AdvanceVT Newsletter: October 2004AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2004-10)Inside this issue: October Events Calendar; Dual-Career Hire Study Results; Congratulations to Karen Thole; Funding Opportunities; Visiting Scholars
- AdvanceVT Newsletter: November 2004AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2004-11)Inside this issue: Upcoming Event: Advancing Women at Virginia Tech; New Full-Time, Tenure Track Faculty by Gender; Women Professors at Virginia Tech Fall 2004; College and Department Endowed Professorships & Chairs, June 2004; College Level Administrators and Department Heads June 2004; NEW AdvanceVT Leadership Development Program; AdvanceVT Faculty Development and Support Opportunities
- AdvanceVT Newsletter: January 2005AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2005-01)Inside this issue: AdvanceVT Distinguished Lectures Spring 2005; Male and Female Second Year Science & Engineering Faculty Year 1 in Retrospect: "Laying the Foundation"; Virginia Tech Tenure Track Faculty by Rank and Gender, Fall 2004; Doctoral S&E Faculty by Rank, Nationwide, Selected Years; Faculty Work-Life Questionnaire; 2005 Faculty Development and Support Opportunities
- Advancing Women at Virginia Tech 2005AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2005-01-10)Agenda and itinerary for the Advancing Women at Virginia Tech Workshop, held on January 10, 2005, at the Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center in Blacksburg, VA.
- AdvanceVT Newsletter: March 2005AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2005-03)Inside this issue: Upcoming Events - Spring 2005; AdvanceVT Awards Committee; AdvanceVT Leadership Development Program 2005 Cohort; 2005 Research Seed Grant Recipients
- AdvanceVT Newsletter: April 2005AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2005-04)Inside this issue: Graduate Student and Post-Doc Luncheon Applying for an Academic Position; Family Friendly Policies; Congratulations to Dr. Elizabeth Creamer; The Changing Faculty Workforce; The University of California Survey; Congratulations to the AdvanceVT 2005-06 Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Fellows
- ADVANCE: Making a Difference at Virginia TechAdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2005-05-13)The goals of AdvanceVT are to raise visibility of women leaders across campus, select a small group of senior women faculty from across campus based on interest and potential to move into leadership roles, develop an individualized assessment and development plan to build on strengths and address weaknesses, and plan workshops based on identified needs open to all women. Topics of these workshops will include conflict resolution, negotiations, financial management, strategic planning, and how to say no, among other things.
- AdvanceVT Annual Report : Year 2 : September 2004 - June 2005Layne, Margaret E. (Virginia Tech, 2005-06-22)The overall goal of AdvanceVT is to contribute to the development of a national science and engineering academic workforce that includes the full participation of women at all levels of faculty and academic leadership, particularly at the senior academic ranks, through the transformation of institutional practices, policies, climate and culture at Virginia Tech. The program has four major elements: advancing women into faculty careers, increasing the representation of women faculty in science and engineering, empowering women as leaders and scholars, and institutionalizing change through policy review.
Significant accomplishments during year two include increased visibility for gender issues campus wide through an annual workshop with nationally recognized speakers; intensive work with department heads including two presentations to the campus-wide department heads’ breakfast roundtable, discussions at college level department head meetings on university policies, and a two-day orientation program for new department heads; education of search committees on unconscious bias; discussions with faculty focus groups on work/life issues; implementation of a campus-wide faculty survey; and initiation of an intensive leadership development program for women faculty. - AdvanceVT Newsletter: September 2005AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2005-09)Inside this issue: Upcoming Events - Fall 2005; Congratulations to women faculty on their promotions; Tenured and Tenure-Track Women Faculty at Virginia Tech; Congratulations to Karen Thole, first female recipient of an endowed professorship in Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering; Future Professoriate Career Development Events Fall 2005
- AdvanceVT Newsletter: October 2005AdvanceVT (Virginia Tech, 2005-10)Inside this issue: Upcoming Events - Fall 2005; Dual Career Hiring Update; Child Care Committee Update; AdvanceVT Research Seed Grant Recipient: Dr. Naira Hovakimyan; Virginia Tech Faculty Profiles
- Faculty Work-Life Survey Data Report : Faculty Recruitment IssuesGlass, Valerie Q. (Virginia Tech, 2005-10-17)One of the primary goals of AdvanceVT is to increase the representation of women and minority faculty at all ranks in the sciences and engineering. Responses to the AdvanceVT Faculty Work-Life Survey, distributed to all research and teaching faculty in early spring 2005, included questions about the importance of recruiting women and minorities to faculty positions, the effectiveness of recruiting practices, and the contribution of spousal hiring to recruitment. There was also a behavioral measure as respondents who had served on a search committee in the last two years indicated if they had engaged in practices that are associated with diversifying the faculty.