Center for International Research, Education, and Development (CIRED)
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CIRED links Virginia Tech to the world. It supports the university’s international mission by leading projects that raise the standard of living in developing countries, partnering with more than 80 universities and institutions around the world. In 2018, OIRED became CIRED (Center for International Research, Education, and Development), part of Virginia Tech’s Outreach and International Affairs and a new center focused on continuing Virginia Tech’s global legacy.
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- IPM CRSP Annual Highlights, Year 11: 2003-2004(Virginia Tech, 2004)Published every year, the annual reports detail work, accomplishments, training, and publications from each of our programs.
- IPM CRSP Annual Report, Phase III – Year Two: 2005-2006(Virginia Tech, 2006)Published every year, the annual reports detail work, accomplishments, training, and publications from each of our programs.
- IPM CRSP Annual Report, Phase III – Year Three: 2006-2007(Virginia Tech, 2007)Published every year, the annual reports detail work, accomplishments, training, and publications from each of our programs.
- IPM CRSP Annual Report, Phase III: 2007-2008(Virginia Tech, 2008)Published every year, the annual reports detail work, accomplishments, training, and publications from each of our programs.
- IPM CRSP Annual Report, Phase III – Year Five: 2008-2009(Virginia Tech, 2009)Published every year, the annual reports detail work, accomplishments, training, and publications from each of our programs.
- IPM CRSP Annual Report, Phase IV – Year One: 2009-2010(Virginia Tech, 2010)Published every year, the annual reports detail work, accomplishments, training, and publications from each of our programs.
- IPM CRSP FY 2011 Annual Report(Virginia Tech, 2011)Published every year, the annual reports detail work, accomplishments, training, and publications from each of our programs.
- Education and Research in Agriculture (ERA) Q1 2011 - Quarterly Report (Oct-Dec)(Virginia Tech, 2011-01)In accordance with the reporting requirements in Cooperative Agreement No.685-A-00-10-00194-00 Virginia Tech is pleased to submit to USAID/Senegal Fiscal Year 2011 first quarterly report. This report encompasses the pre-award Tasks and Activities submitted to USAID on August 8, 2010.
- Education and Research in Agriculture (ERA) Q2 2011 - Quarterly Report (Jan-Mar)(Virginia Tech, 2011-04)This quarterly report presents activities accomplished by Virginia Tech and its consortium of universities between January to March, 2011. The report will show how activities led to further the goals of USAID/ERA in Senegal.
- Challenges and experiences of women in the forestry sector in NepalChristie, Maria Elisa; Giri, Kalpana (Academic Journals, 2011-05)This article asks why there are relatively few women at the Institute of Forestry (IOF) and in the field of forestry in Nepal. It explores the obstacles to entering and succeeding in this male-dominated field from women’s perspectives, and makes recommendations for increasing their participation. Based on “focus group discussions” and interviews with nearly 50 women, the authors considered issues of power and participation relevant to the gendered experience and profession of forestry in Nepal. Obstacles ranged from socio-cultural biases against women, to harassment during field trips, to being assigned purely administrative duties in the workplace. The article draws on theoretical approaches to gender in organizations, masculinities, and gendered knowledge. It calls for equitable, institutional transformation at the IOF that would in turn help graduates to better address social aspects of forestry.
- Education and Research in Agriculture (ERA) Q3 2011 - Quarterly Report (Apr-Jun)(Virginia Tech, 2011-07)This quarterly report presents activities accomplished by Virginia Tech and its consortium of universities between April to June, 2011. The report will show how activities led to further the goals of USAID/ERA in Senegal.
- Education and Research in Agriculture (ERA) FY 2011 Annual Report(Virginia Tech, 2011-11)The USAID/ERA project made significant progress during the fiscal year 2011 to achieve key and concrete results that advance Feed the Future goals and objectives for Senegal. Focusing on critical training and academic support systems, USAID/ERA undertook an initial set of interventions that will help its local partners work towards improved performance of agricultural education, research and outreach leading to a more productive and sustainable agriculture sector in Senegal.
- Education and Research in Agriculture (ERA) Q1 2012 - Quarterly Report (Oct-Dec)(Virginia Tech, 2012-01)The USAID/ERA first 2012 quarterly report of 2012 covers the period of October 1 to December 31, 2011. The report presents activities realized by ERA to achieve its goals of reduction in poverty and hunger reduction, and inclusive economic growth in Senegal as part of the Feed the Future program.
- Education and Research in Agriculture (ERA) Q2 2012 - Quarterly Report (Jan-Mar)(Virginia Tech, 2012-03)The project USAID/ERA is focused on accomplishing its capacity building goals that support the objectives of poverty and hunger reductions, and inclusive economic growth in Senegal as part of the Feed the Future program. This report, which covers the second quarter report of fiscal year 2012 of the project, presents activities and results achieved for the period of January 1 to March 31, 2012.
- Perceptions and Practices: A Survey of Professional Engineers and ArchitectsCunningham, Don; Stewart, Jill (Hindawi, 2012-03-28)This descriptive cross-sectional research study examines perceptions of time spent by architects and professional engineers on reading, writing, and evaluating various information products, as well as their perspectives of specific quality characteristics and the relative significance in meeting work goals. Professional engineers and architects were surveyed at seminars held at eight locations in seven states. Descriptive statistics were then used to investigate perceptions and relationships. Findings indicate architects and professional engineers spend the most amount of time reading correspondence and the least amount of time reading management reports. Respondents considered correspondence to be the most important reading activity. Participants also spend the most amount of time writing correspondence, closely followed by nearly equal time spent writing and editing technical reports and proposals. Finally, participants rated organization, comprehensiveness, and accuracy as the most important aspects while indicating mechanical issues such as grammar and spelling as the least important aspects of technical documents.
- Education and Research in Agriculture (ERA) Q3 2012 - Quarterly Report (April-June)(Virginia Tech, 2012-07)The USAID/ERA project is focused on accomplishing its capacity-building goals that support the objectives of poverty and hunger reduction as well as inclusive economic growth in Senegal as part of the Feed the Future program. This report, which covers the third quarter of fiscal year 2012, presents project activities and results achieved for the period of April 1 to June 30, 2012.
- Cycad Aulacaspis Scale, a Newly Introduced Insect Pest in IndonesiaMuniappan, Rangaswamy (Muni); Watson, Gillian W.; Evans, Gregory Allyn; Rauf, Aunu; Von Ellenrieder, Natalia (Department of Biology, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia, 2012-09)Cycad aulacaspis scale (Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi (Hemiptera: Diaspididae)) is native to Thailand and Vietnam. Since the early 1990s it has been spreading around the world due to the trade in cycad plants for ornamental use. Infestation by this scale can kill cycads in only a few months. Its accidental introduction to Florida endangered the ornamental cycad-growing industry; and in Guam and Taiwan, endemic cycads (Cycas micronesica and C. taitungensis, respectively) are currently threatened with extinction by cycad aulacaspis scale. In November 2011, an introduced scale was discovered damaging cycads in the Bogor Botanic Garden. Samples from Bogor were taken for identification of the scale, and the material was kept for some time to rear out any insect parasitoids that were present. Both the scale insects and parasitoids were prepared on microscope slides and studied microscopically for authoritative identification. The scale was confirmed as A. yasumatsui. The parasitoid Arrhenophagus chionaspidis Aurivillius (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and the hyperparasitoid Signiphora bifasciata Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae) were identified from the samples. Unless immediate remedial measures are taken, several endemic species of cycad in Indonesia may be endangered by infestation by cycad aulacaspis scale.
- InnovATE Work Plan FY 2013(Virginia Tech, 2013)The goal of the Innovation for Agricultural Training and Education (innovate) project—formerly referred to as the Modernizing Agricultural Education and Training Systems (MAETS) Project—is to develop the human and institutional capacity needed to promote rural innovation necessary to achieve sustainable food security, reduce poverty, conserve natural resources, and address other rural problems. We will define and disseminate strategies and approaches in support of agriculture education and training (AET) reform and investment. Innovate will focus on all levels of education such as: youth, workforce development programs, primary and secondary educational systems, vocational/technical levels, and the university and post-graduate level. This is the first year work plan for the Innovate project. This introduction is followed by a short overview of the Year 1 activities. Next, the activities for each of the project’s three components during Year 1 are described next. Each component’s section will also include a synopsis of the LOP for that component. We also have included a summary for the Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP). The full project PMP for Innovate will be submitted separately.
- InnovATE Semi-annual Report FY 2013(Virginia Tech, 2013)InnovATE and its partners submit a technical progress report to USAID semi-annually which describes the project’s activities during the first two quarters of the year.
- Education and Research in Agriculture (ERA) FY 2012 Annual Report(Virginia Tech, 2013-01)The USAID/ERA project is focused on attaining the goals and objectives of reducing poverty and hunger and promoting inclusive economic growth in Senegal as part of the Feed the Future program. This report, which covers the fiscal year 2012 of the project, presents activities and results achieved for the period of October 1, 2011, to September 30, 2012.