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Browsing Destination Areas (DAs) by Department "Biochemistry"
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- Broad spectrum immunomodulatory effects of Anopheles gambiae microRNAs and their use for transgenic suppression of PlasmodiumDong, Shengzhang; Fu, Xiaonan; Dong, Yuemei; Simoes, Maria L.; Zhu, Jinsong; Dimopoulos, George (2020-04)Malaria, caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium and transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes, represents a major threat to human health. Plasmodium's infection cycle in the Anopheles vector is critical for transmission of the parasite between humans. The midgut-stage bottleneck of infection is largely imposed by the mosquito's innate immune system. microRNAs (miRNAs, small noncoding RNAs that bind to target RNAs to regulate gene expression) are also involved in regulating immunity and the anti-Plasmodium defense in mosquitoes. Here, we characterized the mosquito's miRNA responses to Plasmodium infection using an improved crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) method, termed covalent ligation of endogenous Argonaute-bound RNAs (CLEAR)-CLIP. Three candidate miRNAs' influence on P. falciparum infection and midgut microbiota was studied through transgenically expressed miRNA sponges (miR-SPs) in midgut and fat body tissues. MiR-SPs mediated conditional depletion of aga-miR-14 or aga-miR-305, but not aga-miR-8, increased mosquito resistance to both P. falciparum and P. berghei infection, and enhanced the mosquitoes' antibacterial defenses. Transcriptome analysis revealed that depletion of aga-miR-14 or aga-miR-305 resulted in an increased expression of multiple immunity-related and anti-Plasmodium genes in mosquito midguts. The overall fitness cost of conditionally expressed miR-SPs was low, with only one of eight fitness parameters being adversely affected. Taken together, our results demonstrate that targeting mosquito miRNA by conditional expression of miR-SPs may have potential for the development of malaria control through genetically engineered mosquitoes. Author summary Malaria is caused by the Plasmodium parasite that is transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes. The mosquito's innate immune system plays an important role in controlling parasite infection. We have identified mosquito microRNAs (miRNAs) that are involved in regulating mosquito immunity to parasite infection. Transgenic mosquitoes that deplete the immunity-related miRNAs aga-miR-14 or aga-miR-305 through miRNA sponges, show increased resistance to both human and rodent parasite infection, and enhanced antibacterial defenses. Depletion of aga-miR-14 or aga-miR-305 resulted in an increased expression of multiple immunity-related and anti-Plasmodium genes, and the overall fitness cost of transgenic mosquitoes upon depletion of aga-miR-14 or aga-miR-305 was negligible. We show that targeting mosquito miRNA by transgenic expression of miRNA sponges may have potential for the development of malaria control through genetically engineered mosquitoes.
- Contributions of VLDLR and LRP8 in the establishment of retinogeniculate projectionsSu, Jianmin; Klemm, Michael A.; Josephson, Anne M.; Fox, Michael A. (BioMed Central, 2013-06-13)Background: Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), the output neurons of the retina, project to over 20 distinct brain nuclei, including the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), a thalamic region comprised of three functionally distinct subnuclei: the ventral LGN (vLGN), the dorsal LGN (dLGN) and the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL). We previously identified reelin, an extracellular glycoprotein, as a critical factor that directs class-specific targeting of these subnuclei. Reelin is known to bind to two receptors: very-low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8 (LRP8), also known as apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2). Here we examined the roles of these canonical reelin receptors in retinogeniculate targeting. Results: To assess the roles of VLDLR and LRP8 in retinogeniculate targeting, we used intraocular injections of fluorescently conjugated cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) to label all RGC axons in vivo. Retinogeniculate projections in mutant mice lacking either VLDLR or LRP8 appeared similar to controls; however, deletion of both receptors resulted in dramatic defects in the pattern of retinal innervation in LGN. Surprisingly, defects in vldlr(-/-); lrp8(-/-) double mutant mice were remarkably different than those observed in mice lacking reelin. First, we failed to observe retinal axons exiting the medial border of the vLGN and IGL to invade distant regions of non-retino-recipient thalamus. Second, an ectopic region of binocular innervation emerged in the dorsomedial pole of vldlr(-/-); lrp8(-/-) mutant dLGN. Analysis of retinal projection development, retinal terminal sizes and LGN cytoarchitecture in vldlr(-/-); lrp8(-/-) mutants, all suggest that a subset of retinal axons destined for the IGL are misrouted to the dorsomedial pole of dLGN in the absence of VLDLR and LRP8. Such mistargeting is likely the result of abnormal migration of IGL neurons into the dorsomedial pole of dLGN in vldlr(-/-); lrp8(-/-) mutants. Conclusions: In contrast to our expectations, the development of both the LGN and retinogeniculate projections appeared dramatically different in mutants lacking either reelin or both canonical reelin receptors. These results suggest that there are reelin-independent functions of VLDLR and LRP8 in LGN development, and VLDLR- and LRP8-independent functions of reelin in class-specific axonal targeting.
- EGR1 recruits TET1 to shape the brain methylome during development and upon neuronal activitySun, Zhixiong; Xu, Xiguang; He, Jianlin; Murray, Alexander; Sun, Ming-an; Wei, Xiaoran; Wang, Xia; McCoig, Emmarose; Xie, Evan; Jiang, Xi; Li, Liwu; Zhu, Jinsong; Chen, Jianjun; Morozov, Alexei; Pickrell, Alicia M.; Theus, Michelle H.; Xie, Hehuang David (2019-08-29)Life experience can leave lasting marks, such as epigenetic changes, in the brain. How life experience is translated into storable epigenetic information remains largely unknown. With unbiased data-driven approaches, we predicted that Egr1, a transcription factor important for memory formation, plays an essential role in brain epigenetic programming. We performed EGR1 ChIP-seq and validated thousands of EGR1 binding sites with methylation patterns established during postnatal brain development. More specifically, these EGR1 binding sites become hypomethylated in mature neurons but remain heavily methylated in glia. We further demonstrated that EGR1 recruits a DNA demethylase TET1 to remove the methylation marks and activate downstream genes. The frontal cortices from the knockout mice lacking Egr1 or Tet1 share strikingly similar profiles in both gene expression and DNA methylation. In summary, our study reveals EGR1 programs the brain methylome together with TET1 providing new insight into how life experience may shape the brain methylome.
- High-Throughput Screen for Inhibitors of the Type IV Pilus Assembly ATPase PilBDye, Keane J.; Vogelaar, Nancy J.; Sobrado, Pablo; Yang, Zhaomin (2021-03)The bacterial type IV pilus (T4P) is a prominent virulence factor in many significant human pathogens, some of which have become increasingly antibiotic resistant. Antivirulence chemotherapeutics are considered a promising alternative to antibiotics because they target the disease process instead of bacterial viability. However, a roadblock to the discovery of anti-T4P compounds is the lack of a high-throughput screen (HTS) that can be implemented relatively easily and economically. Here, we describe the first HTS for the identification of inhibitors specifically against the T4P assembly ATPase PilB in vitro. Chloracidobacterium thermophilum PilB (CtPilB) had been demonstrated to have robust ATPase activity and the ability to bind its expected ligands in vitro. We utilized CtPilB and MANT-ATP, a fluorescent ATP analog, to develop a binding assay and adapted it for an HTS. As a proof of principle, we performed a pilot screen with a small compound library of kinase inhibitors and identified quercetin as a PilB inhibitor in vitro. Using Myxococcus xanthus as a model bacterium, we found quercetin to reduce its T4P-dependent motility and T4P assembly in vivo. These results validated our HTS as effective in identifying PilB inhibitors. This assay may prove valuable in seeking leads for the development of antivirulence chemotherapeutics against PilB, an essential and universal component of all bacterial T4P systems. IMPORTANCE Many bacterial pathogens use their type IV pili (T4P) to facilitate and maintain infection of a human host. Small chemical compounds that inhibit the production or assembly of T4P hold promise in the treatment and prevention of infections, especially in the era of increasing threats from antibiotic-resistant bacteria. However, few chemicals are known to have inhibitory or anti-T4P activity. Their identification has not been easy due to the lack of a method for the screening of compound collections or libraries on a large scale. Here, we report the development of an assay that can be scaled up to screen compound libraries for inhibitors of a critical T4P assembly protein. We further demonstrate that it is feasible to use whole cells to examine potential inhibitors for their activity against T4P assembly in a bacterium.
- Improved reference genome of Aedes aegypti informs arbovirus vector controlMatthews, Benjamin J.; Dudchenko, Olga; Kingan, Sarah B.; Koren, Sergey; Antoshechkin, Igor; Crawford, Jacob E.; Glassford, William J.; Herre, Margaret; Redmond, Seth N.; Rose, Noah H.; Weedall, Gareth D.; Wu, Yang; Batra, Sanjit S.; Brito-Sierra, Carlos A.; Buckingham, Steven D.; Campbell, Corey L.; Chan, Saki; Cox, Eric; Evans, Benjamin R.; Fansiri, Thanyalak; Filipovic, Igor; Fontaine, Albin; Gloria-Soria, Andrea; Hall, Richard; Joardar, Vinita S.; Jones, Andrew K.; Kay, Raissa G. G.; Kodali, Vamsi K.; Lee, Joyce; Lycett, Gareth J.; Mitchell, Sara N.; Muehling, Jill; Murphy, Michael R.; Omer, Arina D.; Partridge, Frederick A.; Peluso, Paul; Aiden, Aviva Presser; Ramasamy, Vidya; Rasic, Gordana; Roy, Sourav; Saavedra-Rodriguez, Karla; Sharan, Shruti; Sharma, Atashi; Smith, Melissa Laird; Turner, Joe; Weakley, Allison M.; Zhao, Zhilei; Akbari, Omar S.; Black, William C.; Cao, Han; Darby, Alistair C.; Hill, Catherine A.; Johnston, J. Spencer; Murphy, Terence D.; Raikhel, Alexander S.; Sattelle, David B.; Sharakhov, Igor V.; White, Bradley J.; Zhao, Li; Aiden, Erez Lieberman; Mann, Richard S.; Lambrechts, Louis; Powell, Jeffrey R.; Sharakhova, Maria V.; Tu, Zhijian Jake; Robertson, Hugh M.; McBride, Carolyn S.; Hastic, Alex R.; Korlach, Jonas; Neafsey, Daniel E.; Phillippy, Adam M.; Vosshall, Leslie B. (2018-11-22)Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infect more than 400 million people each year with dangerous viral pathogens including dengue, yellow fever, Zika and chikungunya. Progress in understanding the biology of mosquitoes and developing the tools to fight them has been slowed by the lack of a high-quality genome assembly. Here we combine diverse technologies to produce the markedly improved, fully re-annotated AaegL5 genome assembly, and demonstrate how it accelerates mosquito science. We anchored physical and cytogenetic maps, doubled the number of known chemosensory ionotropic receptors that guide mosquitoes to human hosts and egg-laying sites, provided further insight into the size and composition of the sex-determining M locus, and revealed copy-number variation among glutathione S-transferase genes that are important for insecticide resistance. Using high-resolution quantitative trait locus and population genomic analyses, we mapped new candidates for dengue vector competence and insecticide resistance. AaegL5 will catalyse new biological insights and intervention strategies to fight this deadly disease vector.
- Molecular action of pyriproxyfen: Role of the Methoprene-tolerant protein in the pyriproxyfen-induced sterilization of adult female mosquitoesAhmed, Tahmina Hossain; Saunders, T. Randolph; Mullins, Donald E.; Rahman, Mohammad Zillur; Zhu, Jinsong (2020-08)Exposure of adult mosquitoes to pyriproxyfen (PPF), an analog of insect juvenile hormone (JH), has shown promise to effectively sterilize female mosquitoes. However, the underlying mechanisms of the PPF-induced decrease in mosquito fecundity are largely unknown. We performed a comprehensive study to dissect the mode of PPF action inAedes aegyptimosquitoes. Exposure to PPF prompted the overgrowth of primary follicles in sugar-fedAe.aegyptifemales but blocked the development of primary follicles at Christopher's Stage III after blood feeding. Secondary follicles were precociously activated in PPF-treated mosquitoes. Moreover, PPF substantially altered the expression of many genes that are essential for mosquito physiology and oocyte development in the fat body and ovary. In particular, many metabolic genes were differentially expressed in response to PPF treatment, thereby affecting the mobilization and utilization of energy reserves. Furthermore, PPF treatment on the previtellogenic female adults considerably modified mosquito responses to JH and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), two major hormones that govern mosquito reproduction. Kruppel homolog 1, a JH-inducible transcriptional regulator, showed consistently elevated expression after PPF exposure. Conversely, PPF upregulated the expression of several key players of the 20E regulatory cascades, includingHR3andE75A, in the previtellogenic stage. After blood-feeding, the expression of these 20E response genes was significantly weaker in PPF-treated mosquitoes than the solvent-treated control groups. RNAi-mediated knockdown of the Methoprene-tolerant (Met) protein, the JH receptor, partially rescued the impaired follicular development after PPF exposure and substantially increased the hatching of the eggs produced by PPF-treated female mosquitoes. Thus, the results suggested that PPF relied on Met to exert its sterilizing effects on female mosquitoes. In summary, this study finds that PPF exposure disturbs normal hormonal responses and metabolism inAe.aegypti, shedding light on the molecular targets and the downstream signaling pathways activated by PPF. Author summary Aedes aegyptimosquitoes are responsible for the transmission of dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, and Zika fever. Insecticides are widely used as the primary tool in the prevention and control of these infectious diseases. In light of the rapid increase of insecticide resistance in mosquito populations, there is an urgent need to find new classes of insecticides with a different mode of action. Here we found that pyriproxyfen, an analog of insect juvenile hormone (JH), had a large impact on the oocyte development, both before and after blood feeding, in female mosquitoes. Pyriproxyfen disturbed normal hormonal responses and caused metabolic shifting in female adults. These actions appear to collectively impair oocyte development and substantially reduce viable progenies of female mosquitoes. Besides, we demonstrated the involvement of the JH receptor Met in pyriproxyfen-induced female sterilization. This study significantly advances our understanding of mosquito reproductive biology and the molecular basis of pyriproxyfen action, which are invaluable for the development of new mosquito control strategies.