Scholarly Works, Mathematics
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- Abacus proofs of Schur function identitiesLoehr, N. A. (Siam Publications, 2010)This article uses combinatorial objects called labeled abaci to give direct combinatorial proofs of many familiar facts about Schur polynomials. We use abaci to prove the Pieri rules, the Littlewood-Richardson rule, the equivalence of the tableau definition and the determinant definition of Schur polynomials, and the combinatorial interpretation of the inverse Kostka matrix (first given by Egecioglu and Remmel). The basic idea is to regard formulas involving Schur polynomials as encoding bead motions on abaci. The proofs of the results just mentioned all turn out to be manifestations of a single underlying theme: when beads bump, objects cancel.
- Acceleration of tensor-product operations for high-order finite element methodsŚwirydowicz, K.; Chalmers, N.; Karakus, A.; Warburton, T. (2017-09)This paper is devoted to GPU kernel optimization and performance analysis of three tensor-product operators arising in finite element methods. We provide a mathematical background to these operations and implementation details. Achieving close-to-the-peak performance for these operators requires extensive optimization because of the operators' properties: low arithmetic intensity, tiered structure, and the need to store intermediate results inside the kernel. We give a guided overview of optimization strategies and we present a performance model that allows us to compare the efficacy of these optimizations against an empirically calibrated roofline.
- ADAM: Analysis of Discrete Models of Biological Systems Using Computer AlgebraHinkelmann, Franziska; Brandon, Madison; Guang, Bonny; McNeill, Rustin; Blekherman, Grigoriy; Veliz-Cuba, Alan; Laubenbacher, Reinhard C. (2011-07-20)Background Many biological systems are modeled qualitatively with discrete models, such as probabilistic Boolean networks, logical models, Petri nets, and agent-based models, to gain a better understanding of them. The computational complexity to analyze the complete dynamics of these models grows exponentially in the number of variables, which impedes working with complex models. There exist software tools to analyze discrete models, but they either lack the algorithmic functionality to analyze complex models deterministically or they are inaccessible to many users as they require understanding the underlying algorithm and implementation, do not have a graphical user interface, or are hard to install. Efficient analysis methods that are accessible to modelers and easy to use are needed. Results We propose a method for efficiently identifying attractors and introduce the web-based tool Analysis of Dynamic Algebraic Models (ADAM), which provides this and other analysis methods for discrete models. ADAM converts several discrete model types automatically into polynomial dynamical systems and analyzes their dynamics using tools from computer algebra. Specifically, we propose a method to identify attractors of a discrete model that is equivalent to solving a system of polynomial equations, a long-studied problem in computer algebra. Based on extensive experimentation with both discrete models arising in systems biology and randomly generated networks, we found that the algebraic algorithms presented in this manuscript are fast for systems with the structure maintained by most biological systems, namely sparseness and robustness. For a large set of published complex discrete models, ADAM identified the attractors in less than one second. Conclusions Discrete modeling techniques are a useful tool for analyzing complex biological systems and there is a need in the biological community for accessible efficient analysis tools. ADAM provides analysis methods based on mathematical algorithms as a web-based tool for several different input formats, and it makes analysis of complex models accessible to a larger community, as it is platform independent as a web-service and does not require understanding of the underlying mathematics.
- An Adaptive Zolotarev Upper-Bound for the Singular Values of Loewner MatricesGarcia Hilares, Nilton; Embree, Mark P. (2021-11-12)
- Additive averages of multiplicative correlation sequences and applicationsDonoso, Sebastian; Le, Ahn N.; Moreira, Joel; Sun, Wenbo (Springer, 2023-04-01)We study sets of recurrence, in both measurable and topological settings, for actions of (ℕ, ×) and (ℚ>0, ×). In particular, we show that autocorrelation sequences of positive functions arising from multiplicative systems have positive additive averages. We also give criteria for when sets of the form {(an+b)1/(cn+d) ℓ: n ∈ ℕ} are sets of multiplicative recurrence, and consequently we recover two recent results in number theory regarding completely multiplicative functions and the Omega function.
- Advanced surrogate model for electron-scale turbulence in tokamak pedestalsFarcas, Ionut-Gabriel; Merlo, Gabriele; Jenko, Frank (Cambridge University Press, 2024-10-28)We derive an advanced surrogate model for predicting turbulent transport at the edge of tokamaks driven by electron temperature gradient (ETG) modes. Our derivation is based on a recently developed sensitivity-driven sparse grid interpolation approach for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis at scale, which informs the set of parameters that define the surrogate model as a scaling law. Our model reveals that ETG-driven electron heat flux is influenced by the safety factor q, electron beta βe and normalized electron Debye length λD, in addition to well-established parameters such as the electron temperature and density gradients. To assess the trustworthiness of our model’s predictions beyond training, we compute prediction intervals using bootstrapping. The surrogate model’s predictive power is tested across a wide range of parameter values, including within-distribution testing parameters (to verify our model) as well as out-of-bounds and out-of-distribution testing (to validate the proposed model). Overall, validation efforts show that our model competes well with, or can even outperform, existing scaling laws in predicting ETG-driven transport.
- An affine deformation of the quantum cohomology ring of flag manifolds and periodic Toda latticeMare, A.-L.; Mihalcea, L. C. (2016-06-23)Consider the generalized flag manifold $G/B$ and the corresponding affine flag manifold $\mathcal{Fl}_G$. In this paper we use curve neighborhoods for Schubert varieties in $\mathcal{Fl}_G$ to construct certain affine Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathcal{Fl}_G$, and to obtain a family of "affine quantum Chevalley" operators $\Lambda_0, \ldots, \Lambda_n$ indexed by the simple roots in the affine root system of $G$. These operators act on the cohomology ring $\mathrm{H}^*(\mathcal{Fl}_G)$ with coefficients in $\mathbb{Z}[q_0, \ldots,q_n]$. By analyzing commutativity and invariance properties of these operators we deduce the existence of two quantum cohomology rings, which satisfy properties conjectured earlier by Guest and Otofuji for $G= \mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{C})$. The first quantum ring is a deformation of the subalgebra of $\mathrm{H}^*(\mathcal{Fl}_G)$ generated by divisors. The second ring, denoted $\mathrm{QH}^*_{\mathrm{af}}(G/B)$, deforms the ordinary quantum cohomology ring $\mathrm{QH}^*(G/B)$ by adding an affine quantum parameter $q_0$. We prove that $\mathrm{QH}^*_{\mathrm{af}}(G/B)$ is a Frobenius algebra, and that the new quantum product determines a flat Dubrovin connection. Further, we develop an analogue of Givental and Kim formalism for this ring and we deduce a presentation of $\mathrm{QH}^*_{\mathrm{af}}(G/B)$ by generators and relations. The ideal of relations is generated by the integrals of motion for the periodic Toda lattice associated to the dual of the extended Dynkin diagram of $G$.
- Algebraic hierarchical locally recoverable codes with nested affine subspace recoveryHaymaker, Kathryn; Malmskog, Beth; Matthews, Gretchen L. (Springer, 2024-10-24)Codes with locality, also known as locally recoverable codes, allow for recovery of erasures using proper subsets of other coordinates. These subsets are typically of small cardinality to promote recovery using limited network traffic and other resources. Hierarchical locally recoverable codes allow for recovery of erasures using sets of other symbols whose sizes increase as needed to allow for recovery of more symbols. In this paper, we describe a hierarchical recovery structure arising from geometry in Reed–Muller codes and codes with availability from fiber products of curves.We demonstrate how the fiber product hierarchical codes can be viewed as punctured subcodes of Reed–Muller codes, uniting the two constructions. This point of view provides natural structures for local recovery with availability at each level in the hierarchy.
- Algebras and VarietiesGreen, Edward L.; Hille, Lutz; Schroll, Sibylle (2020-03)In this paper we introduce new affine algebraic varieties whose points correspond to associative algebras. We show that the algebras within a variety share many important homological properties. In particular, any two algebras in the same variety have the same dimension. The cases of finite dimensional algebras as well as that of graded algebras arise as subvarieties of the varieties we define. As an application we show that for algebras of global dimension two over the complex numbers, any algebra in the variety continuously deforms to a monomial algebra.
- Analysis and approximation of the velocity tracking problem for Navier-Stokes flows with distributed controlGunzburger, Max D.; Manservisi, S. (Siam Publications, 2000-05)We consider the mathematical formulation, analysis, and the numerical solution of a time-dependent optimal control problem associated with the tracking of the velocity of a Navier-Stokes ow in a bounded two-dimensional domain through the adjustment of a distributed control. The existence of optimal solutions is proved and the first-order necessary conditions for optimality are used to derive an optimality system of partial differential equations whose solutions provide optimal states and controls. Semidiscrete-in-time and fully discrete space-time approximations are defined and their convergence to the exact optimal solutions is shown. A gradient method for the solution of the fully discrete equations is examined, as are its convergence properties. Finally, the results of some illustrative computational experiments are presented.
- Analysis of Entropy Generation Rate in an Unsteady Porous Channel Flow with Navier Slip and Convective CoolingChinyoka, Tirivanhu; Makinde, Oluwole Daniel (MDPI, 2013-05-28)This study deals with the combined effects of Navier Slip, Convective cooling, variable viscosity, and suction/injection on the entropy generation rate in an unsteady flow of an incompressible viscous fluid flowing through a channel with permeable walls. The model equations for momentum and energy balance are solved numerically using semi-discretization finite difference techniques. Both the velocity and temperature profiles are obtained and utilized to compute the entropy generation number. The effects of key parameters on the fluid velocity, temperature, entropy generation rate and Bejan number are depicted graphically and analyzed in detail.
- Analysis of GMRES for Low‐Rank and Small‐Norm Perturbations of the Identity MatrixCarr, Arielle K.; de Sturler, Eric; Embree, Mark P. (Wiley, 2023-03-24)
- Analytic theory for the selection of a two-dimensional needle crystal at arbitrary Péclet numberTanveer, S. (American Physical Society, 1989-10)An accurate analytic theory is presented for the velocity selection of a two-dimensional needle crystal for arbitrary Péclet number for small values of the surface-tension parameter. The velocity selection is caused by the effect of transcendentally small terms that are determined by analytic continuation to the complex plane and analysis of nonlinear equations. The work supports the general conclusion of previous small-Péclet-number analytical results of other investigators, although there are some discrepancies in details. It also addresses questions raised by a recent investigator on the validity of selection theory owing to assumptions made on shape corrections at large distances from the tip.
- Analytical solutions of model equations for two phase gas mixtures: Transverse velocity perturbationsCavalier, J. F.; Greenberg, William (AIP Publishing, 1984)Model equations for a dilute binary gas system are derived, using a linear BGK scheme. Complete analytical solutions for the stationary half_space problem are obtained for transverse velocity perturbations. The method of solution relies on the resolvent integration technique.
- Anomalous decay of a prepared state due to non-Ohmic coupling to the continuumSela, I.; Aisenberg, J.; Kottos, T.; Elgart, A.; Cohen, D. (American Physical Society, 2010-03)We study the decay of a prepared state E(0) into a continuum {E(k)} in the case of non-Ohmic models. This means that the coupling is |V(k),(0)| proportional to |E(k)-E(0)|(s-1) with s not equal 1. We find that irrespective of model details there is a universal generalized Wigner time t(0) that characterizes the decay of the survival probability P(0)(t). The generic decay behavior which is implied by rate equation phenomenology is a slowing down stretched exponential, reflecting the gradual resolution of the band profile. But depending on nonuniversal features of the model a power-law decay might take over: it is only for an Ohmic coupling to the continuum that we get a robust exponential decay that is insensitive to the nature of the intracontinuum couplings. The analysis highlights the coexistence of perturbative and nonperturbative features in the dynamics. It turns out that there are special circumstances in which t(0) is reflected in the spreading process and not only in the survival probability, contrary to the naive linear-response theory expectation.
- Anomaly meltdownGajdzinski, C.; Streater, R. F. (AIP Publishing, 1991-08)It is shown that at nonzero temperature it is possible that anomalies in representations of symmetry groups and gauge groups, present at zero temperature, disappear. Several examples are given. Thus the idea that anomalies in baryon currents might have caused the baryon imbalance in the early hot universe needs reconsideration.
- Antibiotics ameliorate lupus-like symptoms in miceMu, Qinghui; Tavella, Vincent J.; Kirby, Jay L.; Cecere, Thomas E.; Chung, Matthias; Lee, Jiyoung; Li, Song; Ahmed, Sattar Ansar; Eden, Kristin; Allen, Irving C. (Nature, 2017-10-20)Gut microbiota and the immune system interact to maintain tissue homeostasis, but whether this interaction is involved in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is unclear. Here we report that oral antibiotics given during active disease removed harmful bacteria from the gut microbiota and attenuated SLE-like disease in lupus-prone mice. Using MRL/lpr mice, we showed that antibiotics given after disease onset ameliorated systemic autoimmunity and kidney histopathology. They decreased IL-17-producing cells and increased the level of circulating IL-10. In addition, antibiotics removed Lachnospiraceae and increased the relative abundance of Lactobacillus spp., two groups of bacteria previously shown to be associated with deteriorated or improved symptoms in MRL/lpr mice, respectively. Moreover, we showed that the attenuated disease phenotype could be recapitulated with a single antibiotic vancomycin, which reshaped the gut microbiota and changed microbial functional pathways in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, vancomycin treatment increased the barrier function of the intestinal epithelium, thus preventing the translocation of lipopolysaccharide, a cell wall component of Gram-negative Proteobacteria and known inducer of lupus in mice, into the circulation. These results suggest that mixed antibiotics or a single antibiotic vancomycin ameliorate SLE-like disease in MRL/lpr mice by changing the composition of gut microbiota.
- Antibody Responses during Hepatitis B Viral InfectionCiupe, Stanca M.; Ribeiro, Ruy M.; Perelson, Alan S. (PLOS, 2014-07)Hepatitis B is a DNA virus that infects liver cells and can cause both acute and chronic disease. It is believed that both viral and host factors are responsible for determining whether the infection is cleared or becomes chronic. Here we investigate the mechanism of protection by developing a mathematical model of the antibody response following hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. We fitted the model to data from seven infected adults identified during acute infection and determined the ability of the virus to escape neutralization through overproduction of non-infectious subviral particles, which have HBs proteins on their surface, but do not contain nucleocapsid protein and viral nucleic acids. We showed that viral clearance can be achieved for high anti-HBV antibody levels, as in vaccinated individuals, when: (1) the rate of synthesis of hepatitis B subviral particles is slow; (2) the rate of synthesis of hepatitis B subviral particles is high but either anti-HBV antibody production is fast, the antibody affinity is high, or the levels of pre-existent HBV-specific antibody at the time of infection are high, as could be attained by vaccination. We further showed that viral clearance can be achieved for low equilibrium anti-HBV antibody levels, as in unvaccinated individuals, when a strong cellular immune response controls early infection.
- Application of Interpolatory Methods of Model Reduction to an Elevated Railway PierBertero, S.; Gugercin, Serkan; Sarlo, R. (2023-01-01)Be it due to time constraints or insufficient processing power - or a combination of both - the use of models with large numbers of degrees of freedom (DoF) may be unsuitable to provide a client with results in a timely manner. The use of physics-based reduced models - or proxy structures - are popular among practitioners to solve this issue, as they keep intact all the underlying properties of the second order problems at a fraction of the cost. In this paper, interpolatory methods of model reduction are explored as an alternative, and applied to a 3D Space Frame. The methods chosen allow for structure-preserving reduced models and differ mainly on the selection of interpolation points. A comparison between the response of these reduced models and a proxy structure against two different types of inputs show that interpolatory methods are a viable, more flexible option when it comes to reducing the internal DoF's of a structural model, though engineering judgement helps to ensure it adequately captures the most relevant aspects of the response for the specific application.
- Approximate Deconvolution Reduced Order ModelingXie, X.; Wells, D.; Wang, Z.; Iliescu, Traian (2016-10-12)This paper proposes a large eddy simulation reduced order model(LES-ROM) framework for the numerical simulation of realistic flows. In this LES-ROM framework, the proper orthogonal decomposition(POD) is used to define the ROM basis and a POD differential filter is used to define the large ROM structures. An approximate deconvolution(AD) approach is used to solve the ROM closure problem and develop a new AD-ROM. This AD-ROM is tested in the numerical simulation of the one-dimensional Burgers equation with a small diffusion coefficient(10^{-3})