Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports, 1908-1968

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  • Annual Narrative Report of Sussex County Agent 1924
    Parker, W. T. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Narrative Annual Report of Surry County Negro County Agent 1924
    George, W. Herbert (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Narrative Report of Surry County Agent 1924
    Cockes, O. M. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Stafford County Home Demonstration Agent Annual Report
    Garrett, Annie (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-12-19)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Stafford County Agent Annual Report 1924
    Catlett, Jno. W. C. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • County Agent annual Report
    Linthicum, W. R. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-11-20)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Annual Narrative Report
    Doles, A. B. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-12-1)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Annual Narrative Report of LKE M. Cole, Jr.
    Cole Jr., LKE (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-11-30)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Annual Demonstration Report
    Dichennes, G.G. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-12-01)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Report of Work of the County Agent 1917 Emergency Demonstration Agent
    Tibbs, J. H. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1917-12-31)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Annual Narrative Report of Extension Work
    Wampler, Chas. W (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-12-01)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Annual Report of County Extension Workers 1924 Narrative Report
    Lewis, M. G. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-11-30)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Annual Narrative Report
    Moorman, Mary (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-12-19)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • County Agent Annual Report
    Preston, Sam (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-11-30)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Pulaski County Agent Annual Report
    Ernest (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-11-30)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Annual Report of County Extension Workers 1924
    de Corse, Emma (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-12-19)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Narrative Report of County Agent Work
    Ozlin, H. W. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-12-01)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Annual Narrative Report of Prince William County
    V. Gilbert, Lillian (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-12-19)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Narrative Report of Activities of County Agent
    Browning, W. L. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-12-01)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.
  • Prince George County Narrative Report 1924
    M. Hagy, Claudia (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1924-12-19)
    The agent's annual report proving complete summary of all the work performed during the year. This would include but not limited to systematic records of notes of tasks completed, brief observations of general conditions observed, as well as detailed information regarding certain localities.