Principals' and Assistant Principals' Self-Reported Levels of Preparedness to Assist Instructional Staff Working with English Learners in Two School Districts in Virginia


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Virginia Tech


English Learner (ELs) are the fastest growing student population in the United States. With this increase of ELs, come many challenges at the federal, state, and local level. Research shows that teachers and administrators are ill-equipped to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. English learners face inequities in today's school- lack of qualified and trained teachers and administrators, ineffective language support programs, persistent achievement gaps compared to their non-EL peers, lack of access to advanced courses as well as institutional marginalization, segregation and racism. School administrators are key in ensuring success for all students, particularly for ELs. Administrators who are knowledgeable about issues of equity and marginalization promote social justice in their schools and increase student achievement for marginalized student populations including ELs. The purpose of this quantitative study was to identify principals' and assistant principals' self-reported levels of preparedness to assist instructional staff who work with English Learners in the school setting. The study was conducted in two school divisions in Virginia. This study used a survey of 25 Likert-scale statements. The survey used was adapted and modified from the Hiatt and Fairbairn (2018) study. This study used quantitative analyses techniques to analyze the data, to include descriptive statistics, and comparative analysis using ANOVA. This study yielded nine findings and seven implications. One of the major finding was that there was no difference between principals' and assistant principals' self-reported levels of preparedness based on the percentage of ELs in their schools. One major implication is that school districts ought to provide principals and assistant principals the necessary professional development to equip them to serve ELs as an ever-growing and changing student population.



Instructional Leadership, Social Justice Leadership, English Learners, Access, Equity, Inclusion
