Advancements of Stepped Planing Hulls


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Virginia Tech


The straight line calm water performance of stepped planing hulls has been studied experimentally, by prediction method, and numerically. A model test was conducted to provide a systematic understanding of the effects that displacement and step location have on the performance of a stepped planing hull. Ten different step configurations were tested at three different displacements and over a range of four different speeds in calm water. Seven of these configurations were tested at two different Longitudinal Center of Gravity (LCG) locations. Of all the configurations tested, the stepped hull configurations showed reduced resistance compared to the unstepped hull. The configurations with the largest step height aft showed the least amount of resistance over the speed range tested. Increasing displacement and shifting LCG had similar effects on craft performance for both stepped and unstepped hulls. The current stepped hull prediction method was expanded to include a three dimension wave profile and the ability for the stagnation line to cross the step. Using previous model test data and existing two dimension wave profile equations, a single equation was developed to predict the three dimension wave profile aft of a step. Formulations were added to Savitsky's planing prediction method to include very high speed craft and chines dry conditions. Lastly, two simulations were performed using two computational fluid dynamics numerical tools, OpenFOAM, and NFA. The results of these simulations were compared to the experimental test results to assess each code's relative strengths and weaknesses for use in detail design of stepped planing craft.



Stepped Planing Hull, High Speed Craft, Hydrodynamics
