A comparison of the effectiveness of instructional television in open and traditional classrooms

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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


A comparison was made of student performance in recalling information from an instructional television lesson by students in open and traditional classrooms. Analyses were also performed to determine if either the open or traditional classrooms were preferable for: males or females; students from urban, suburban, or rural settings; students of high, average, or low ability.

There was no significant difference in performance between students in open classrooms and those in traditional classrooms. There was no preferable setting for males, or females, or students of high, or average, or low ability. There was an indication that students from urban settings performed somewhat better in traditional classrooms than open classrooms, and students from suburban and rural settings performed somewhat better in open classrooms than traditional classrooms.

A description of the television lesson, instrument for measuring recall, and procedures used, are included. Also included are the tables indicating the results of the various analyses.


