Optical power of semiconductor lasers with a low-dimensional active region

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American Institute of Physics


A comprehensive analytical model for the operating characteristics of semiconductor lasers with a low-dimensional active region is developed. Particular emphasis is given to the effect of capture delay of both electrons and holes from a bulk optical confinement region into a quantum-confined active region and an extended set of rate equations is used. We derive a closed-form expression for the internal quantum efficiency as an explicit function of the injection current and parameters of a laser structure. Due to either electron or hole capture delay, the internal efficiency decreases with increasing injection current above the lasing threshold thus causing sublinearity of the light-current characteristic of a laser. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.



Physics, Applied, Physics, QUANTUM-WELL LASERS, CARRIER CAPTURE, EMISSION, ELECTRONS, ESCAPE, Quantum wells, Electrons, Electron capture, Current density, Charge injection


Asryan, Levon V. & Sokolova, Zinaida N. (2014). Optical power of semiconductor lasers with a low-dimensional active region. Journal of Applied Physics, 115(2). doi: 10.1063/1.4861408