Modeling Phosphorus Capture by Plants Growing in a Multispecies Riparian Buffer

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The NST 3.0 mechanistic nutrient uptake model was used to explore P uptake to a depth of 120 cm over a 126 d growing season in simulated buffer communities composed of mixtures of cottonwood (Populus deltoids Bartr.), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), and smooth brome (Bromus inermis Leyss). Model estimates of P uptake from pure stands of smooth brome and cottonwood were 18.9 and 24.5 kg ha−1, respectively. Uptake estimates for mixed stands of trees and grasses were intermediate to pure stands. A single factor sensitivity analysis of parameters used to calculate P uptake for each cover type indicated that , k, , and were consistently the most responsive to changes ranging from −50% to +100%. Model exploration of P uptake as a function of soil depth interval indicated that uptake was highest in the 0–30 cm intervals, with values ranging from 85% of total for cottonwood to 56% for switchgrass.




J. M. Kelly and J. L. Kovar, “Modeling Phosphorus Capture by Plants Growing in a Multispecies Riparian Buffer,” Applied and Environmental Soil Science, vol. 2012, Article ID 838254, 7 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/838254