A new estimation procedure for response surface models

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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


Several attempts have been made to find an estimator of a response which will have a smaller integrated mean square error than existing procedures. In this work another such attempt is made by introducing a shrinkage procedure.

Suppose the true functional relationship between a response η and ρ independent variables is

η = β₀ + Σi=1pβixi + Σi=1pβiixi² + Σi=1p-1Σj=1p-1βijxixj. i < j

We fit a model

ŷ(x) = β̂̂₀ + Σi=1piβ̂ixi .

We show that the ki which minimize

Σi=1pE(kiβ̂i - βi

are of the form

ki = (μ₂Nβi²)/(σ² + μ₂Nβi²)

We propose estimating ki by k̂i where

i = (μ₂Nβ̂i²)/(σ̂² + μ₂Nβ̂̂i²)

and where

β̂̂ = (X₁′X₁)⁻¹X₁′y


σ̂² = (y′y - β̂′X′y)/(N-p)

are the usual least squares estimators.

A A The distribution of k̂i is derived and the probability that k̂i is closer to the optimal ki than a k using upper bounds on the parameters is computed. Also an expression for the integrated mean square error of the proposed procedure is found. Various comparisons among least squares estimation minimum variance and minimum bias designs and optimal least squares and shrink.age estimation are made for the one, two, and three variable cases.


