Brain-wide cellular resolution imaging of Cre transgenic zebrafish lines for functional circuit-mapping


Decoding the functional connectivity of the nervous system is facilitated by transgenic methods that express a genetically encoded reporter or effector in specific neurons; however, most transgenic lines show broad spatiotemporal and cell-type expression. Increased specificity can be achieved using intersectional genetic methods which restrict reporter expression to cells that co-express multiple drivers, such as Gal4 and Cre. To facilitate intersectional targeting in zebrafish, we have generated more than 50 new Cre lines, and co-registered brain expression images with the Zebrafish Brain Browser, a cellular resolution atlas of 264 transgenic lines. Lines labeling neurons of interest can be identified using a web-browser to perform a 3D spatial search ( This resource facilitates the design of intersectional genetic experiments and will advance a wide range of precision circuit-mapping studies.



in-vivo, gene-expression, optical control, knock-in, gal4, dissection, system, architecture, patterns, tools
