A Mixed Methods Study of Leader-Follower Dynamics in Student Project Teams: Toward Advancing Career Readiness

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Virginia Tech


The challenges we face in society are becoming increasingly complex. Addressing complex problems (such as climate change, food security, and water conservation, among others) requires working with others in an interdependent and collaborative environment. However, employers have noted that college graduates are insufficiently prepared to work effectively in teams. The central problem this study seeks to solve pertains to the inability of college graduates to engage effectively in teamwork. I have identified transformational leadership and effective followership behaviors as predictors of teamwork quality and team effectiveness in the study.

This study applies an explanatory sequential mixed methods design to examine: (a) whether transformational team leadership is positively related to team effectiveness, as mediated by teamwork quality, (b) whether effective team followership is positively related to team effectiveness, as mediated by teamwork quality; (c) team members' perceptions of overall teamwork quality, (d) team members' perceptions of how transformational team leadership influences overall teamwork quality and team effectiveness, (e) team members' perceptions of how effective team followership influences overall teamwork quality and team effectiveness, and (f) the differences and similarities that exist between teams in the perceptions of teamwork quality, transformational team leadership and effective team followership. Quantitative data were collected through surveys that were completed by 98 students (n=98) subdivided into 20 project teams (j=20) in the Virginia Governor School for Agriculture, as well as 84 students (n=84) subdivided into 10 project teams (j=10) in a leadership class at the University of Georgia. Follow-up focus groups were conducted with five teams (j = 5, n = 27). Statistical analyses included: descriptive statistics, correlational tests, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Cronbach's alpha tests, and a mediation analysis based on ordinary least square regression-based path analysis. Coding and thematic analysis of focus group transcripts were carried out in the qualitative phase.

Findings indicate that transformational team leadership was positively related to team effectiveness ( = 0.54, p < .05), such that the relationship was mediated by teamwork quality. However, teamwork quality did not mediate the relationship between effective team followership and team effectiveness.

Findings show a distinction in the perception of teamwork quality between teams. Those with low-quality teamwork started out with limited social cohesion, exhibited social loafing, and were polarized along in-group versus out-group lines. In contrast, groups with high-quality teamwork started out with team bonding, resolved minor conflicts quickly, and established team synergy. Similarly, findings show a distinction in the perception of team leadership between teams, where those with low-quality teamwork exhibited centralized leadership, while teams with high-quality teamwork exhibited shared leadership. Lastly, findings show a distinction in the perception of team followership between teams, where those with low-quality teamwork exhibited passive team followership, and those with high-quality teamwork exhibited proactive team followership. The study has important implications for college students, leadership educators, organizations, and researchers.



Transformational Leadership, Effective Followership, Shared Leadership, Teamwork Quality, Team Effectiveness.
