Statistical Methods for In-session Hemodialysis Monitoring


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Virginia Tech


Motivated by real-time monitoring of dialysis, we aim at detecting difference between groups of Raman spectra generated from dialyzates at different time in one session. Baseline correction being a critical procedure in use of Raman Spectra, existing methods may not perform well on dialysis spectra due to nature of dialyzates, which contain numerous chemicals compounds. We first developed a new baseline correction method, Iterative Smoothing-spline with Root Error Adjustment (ISREA), which automatically adjusts intensities and employs smoothing-spline to produce a baseline in each iteration, providing better performance on dialysis spectra than a popular method Goldindec, and better accuracy regardless of types of samples. We proposed a two sample hypothesis testing on groups of baseline-corrected Raman spectra with ISREA. The uniqueness of the test lies in nature of the tested data. Instead of using Raman spectra as curves, we also consider a vector whose elements are peak intensities of biomarkers, meaning the data is regarded as mixed data and that a spectrum curve and a vector compose one observation. Our method tests on equality of the means of the two groups of mixed data. This method is based on asymptotic properties of the covariance of mixed data and FPCA. Simulation studies shows that our method is applicable to small sample size with proper power and size control. Meanwhile, to locate regions that contribute most to significant difference between two groups of univariate functional data, we developed a method to estimate the a sparse coefficient function by using a L1 norm penalty in functional logistic regression, and compared its performance with other methods.



two sample test, mixed data, generalized functional logistic regression, Raman spectra, baseline correction
