A study of variables related to turnover of superintendents in selected North Carolina school systems

dc.contributor.authorBentley, Donald Wadeen
dc.contributor.departmentEducational Administrationen
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate selected variables and competencies that were related to the turnover in the superintendency in North Carolina and to study the differences in perception as to the level of importance placed on the variables by superintendents and on the competency data by the chairmen of boards of education. The population of the three study groups included 104 superintendents and 104 board chairmen. The sample selected consisted of 24 superintendents who have not been in a turnover situation in five years, 12 forced turnover superintendents, 12 turnover superintendents who left a position on their own volition and 48 board chairmen that were categorized into study groups corresponding to the superintendency sample. The data sought included demographic data, value placed on organizational variables in relationship to their part in turnover, level of performance in 15 competency areas, and value placed on each competency. The results produced by using Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences, Factor Analysis, and Fortran Packages of Analysis of Variance and Scheffe' Multiple Comparison Test indicated that the non-turnover study group and the forced turnover group were in closer agreement on variables and importance placed on competency items. The variables listed most frequently in importance were: 1. Board of Education performing administrative duties normally assigned to the superintendent. 2. Board of Education failing to work as a unit. 3. Conflict of personality of superintendent and board. 4. Lack of community confidence and support. 5. Involvement in partisan politics by board. 6. Poor support from local governing board. 7. Interference from pressure groups. 8. Intimidation by locally elected or appointed officials. Board chairmen placed most importance on the following variables: Planning, Plant operations, Instructional leadership, Decision making, and Business management. These areas were those which produced potential areas of conflict and possible turnover agents. It is recommended that: 1. Boards of education should work closer together to develop guidelines, policies, and procedures to eliminate the overlapping in performance of duties. Separation of duties should be established and followed. 2. The study should be replicated again at a later date to include more study units. 3. The turnover study group should be questioned again at periodic intervals, preferably on a yearly basis, to see if suggestions for improvements are being used. 4. All boards of education should keep on hand a written list of expected competencies for prospective candidates for the superintendency. 5. Prospective superintendents and boards of education should frankly discuss policy and expectation. 6. Educational institutions should provide more extensive training or retraining in fields of competency where weaknesses were indicated such as leadership, planning, decision-making, plant operation, and school-community relationships. 7. Educational institutions need to be supported by state agencies in providing a closer working relationship between classroom activity and field studies. 8. Training sessions in policy making, school law, and duties of board members should be established as part of the requirement for membership on boards of education.en
dc.description.degreeEd. D.en
dc.format.extentvii, 183 leaveen
dc.publisherVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen
dc.relation.isformatofOCLC# 40182605en
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subject.lccLD5655.V856 1976.B45en
dc.titleA study of variables related to turnover of superintendents in selected North Carolina school systemsen
thesis.degree.disciplineEducational Administrationen
thesis.degree.grantorVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen
thesis.degree.nameEd. D.en


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