Digital Spectral Separation Methods And Systems For Bioluminescence Imaging


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Optical Society of America


We propose a digital spectral separation (DSS) system and methods to extract spectral information optimally from a weak multispectral signal such as in the bioluminescent imaging (BLI) studies. This system utilizes our newly invented spatially-translated spectral-image mixer (SSM), which consists of dichroic beam splitters, a mirror, and a DSS algorithm. The DSS approach overcomes the shortcomings of the data acquisition scheme used for the current BLI systems. Primarily, using our DSS scheme, spectral information will not be filtered out. Accordingly, truly parallel multi-spectral multi-view acquisition is enabled for the first time to minimize experimental time and optimize data quality. This approach also permits recovery of the bioluminescent signal time course, which is useful to study the kinetics of multiple bioluminescent probes using multi-spectral bioluminescence tomography (MSBT).



Optical tomography, Evolution


Ge Wang, Haiou Shen, Ying Liu, Alex Cong, Wenxiang Cong, Yue Wang, and Purnima Dubey, "Digital spectral separation methods and systems for bioluminescence imaging," Opt. Express 16, 1719-1732 (2008). doi: 10.1364/oe.16.001719