Evaluation of UV Disinfection Performance in Recirculating Systems


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Commercial Fish and Shellfish Technologies Program, Virginia Tech


The use of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection devices has become increasingly popular in wastewater and aquaculture industries. Although the effectiveness of UV disinfection has been well documented for flowthrough operation regimes in wastewater treatment, research focusing on water recirculating systems is still limited. In this study, the performance of single-lamp UV devices were tested on a recirculating system for fecal coliform (FC) disinfection. Experimental results indicated that UV power input, recirculating flow rate and water UV transmittance were three important factors determining UV disinfection efficiency. An UV disinfection model for a recirculating system was developed based on theoretical analysis and experimental data. A key model parameter, namely the first-order inactivation rate constant (k), was determined to be 0.0062 m2 J-1 for FC disinfection. Simulation using the model provided useful information for design and operation of recirculating UV disinfection systems. The model prediction of disinfection process for other microorganisms is also capable of using reported values of the inactivation rate constant.



UV Disinfection, Recirculating Aquaculture Systems


Zhu, S., Saucier, B.B., Chen, S. and Durfey, J.E., 2002. Evaluation of UV Disinfection Performance in Recirculating Systems. International Journal of Recirculating Aquaculture, 3. DOI: http://doi.org/10.21061/ijra.v3i1.1458