An Art-Light Mosaic Light Distraction for the Pediatric Healthcare Environment

dc.contributor.authorDutro, Anna R.en
dc.contributor.committeechairTucker, Lisa M.en
dc.contributor.committeememberGrant, Elizabeth J.en
dc.contributor.committeememberKim, Mintaien
dc.contributor.committeememberJones, James R.en
dc.description.abstractIn his classic book, Experiencing Architecture, Rasmussen (1959) noted that architects inspired by addressing problems in built environments created buildings with a special spirit: a distinctive stamp. Recent problems in healthcare facilities, specifically those related to reducing stress and anxiety, have inspired designers to create positive, uplifting distractions to redirect a patient's attention from a sterile environment and/or noxious event. In doing so, healthcare facilities have become special environments with a caring spirit. This study examined a specific aspect of creating a caring environment: determining whether or not a positive distraction, a child's art-light mosaic movie developed by the researcher, would lower pain and distress in children 4, 5, and 6 years old during an immunization procedure. The researcher conducted a randomized controlled study in two locations using a child's self-report pain scale, heart rate, parent/guardian report, and nurse report measures. After collecting and analyzing data from 76 well-participants receiving one to five immunizations, the researcher found no statistically significant difference between the conditions for any of the measures. Thus, the null hypothesis, the art-light mosaic image would not assist in lowering pain and distress in pediatric patients, 4 to 6 years old, during an immunization procedure, was not rejected. From these results, the researcher recommended future studies incorporate training the parent and child on how to use the distraction, combine the distraction with a topical analgesic, provide a clear understanding of pain and distress from the child's point of view, and develop more sensitive self-report measures of pain for children.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralIn his classic book, Experiencing Architecture, Rasmussen (1959) noted that architects inspired by addressing problems in built environments created buildings with a special spirit. Recent problems in places that provide healthcare, specifically those related to reducing stress and anxiety, have inspired designers to create positive, uplifting distractions to redirect a patient’s attention from an unfriendly environment and/or unpleasant event. In doing so, healthcare facilities have become special places with a caring spirit. This study investigated one area in creating a caring environment: determining whether or not a positive distraction, a child’s art-light mosaic movie developed by the researcher, would lower pain and distress in children 4, 5, and 6 years old receiving a vaccination. The researcher conducted a study in two locations using proven measures to determine the child’s anxiey. After collecting and analyzing information from 76 well-children receiving one to five vaccinations, the researcher found no difference between the children’s anxiety watching or not watching the positive distraction during a vaccination. Therefore the researcher stated the positive distraction, an art-light mosaic image, would not help lower pain and distress in children, 4 to 6 years old, during a vaccination. From these results, the researcher recommended future studies include training the parent and child on how to use the distraction, combine the distraction with a cream designed to rub on the skin to relieve pain, provide a clear understanding of pain and distress from the child’s point of view, and develop better measures to determine pain in children.en
dc.description.degreePh. D.en
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectpositive distractionen
dc.subjecthealthcare environmenten
dc.subjecthealthcare designen
dc.subjectchild immunizationen
dc.subjectpediatric distressen
dc.titleAn Art-Light Mosaic Light Distraction for the Pediatric Healthcare Environmenten
dc.typeDissertationen and Design Researchen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen D.en


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