A study to determine why parents do or do not participate in the education of their middle school children

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Virginia Tech


This study was conducted to obtain information from parents regarding why they do or do not participate in the education of their middle school children. The results of the study should serve as a resource to teachers and administrators who wish to increase parental participation.

A total of 209 parents returned a completed questionnaire. The survey requested information regarding how many times they attended functions/activities during the first semester of the 1990-91 school year, and what their reasons were for attending; what functions/activities they did not attend and their reasons for not attending. Parents also were asked what kind of resources/activities they provided for their children at home and elsewhere. In addition, the instrument requested information that would be helpful in determining if there were observable differences when selected demographic variables (race, education and occupation) were considered; and, using a Likert scale, this instrument gathered information regarding parental expectations.


