Computer-aided, interactive design routine for the prediction of sound levels in irregularly shaped factory spaces

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Acoustical Society of America


An interactive computer algorithm is presented which utilizes modified room acoustics theory to predict dBA sound pressure levels in regularly- and irregularly-shaped factory spaces. Irregularly positioned and nonuniform room absorptions are treated. The user-oriented algorithm, suited to remote interactive terminal operation, employs a conversational format to facilitate input of room dimensions, of absorption data, and of locations and noise levels of machinery. A redesign feature is included which employs three options. These allow the user to change sound source data and acoustic treatments in the process of finding the most economical accommodation of OSHA regulations during any phase of the factory design or redesign. [Work supported by NSF.]



Room acoustics, Acoustic absorption, Acoustic noise, Acoustics, Machinery noise


Blanding, J. M., Mitchell, L. D., & Hurst, C. J. (1977). Computer-aided, interactive design routine for the prediction of sound levels in irregularly shaped factory spaces. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 61, S23-S24. doi: 10.1121/1.2015494