The Effects of Individualism Vs. Collectivism on Learner's Recall, Transfer and Attitudes Toward Collaboration and Individualized Learning


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Virginia Tech


This study examined the differences in achievement between groups exhibiting different cultural dimensions in a particular online instructional environment. Variables were measured concerning the relationship between instructional environments, cultural dimensions and online learner preference. The subjects of this study were a representative sample of groups of graduate students from different cultures. The instrument was composed of a treatment that was represented across two instructional environments. A web-based tool measured participant?s cultural dimension, recall, transfer of knowledge and learning preference. A 2 x 2 x 2 ANOVA analysis method was used to examine the effects of individualism and collectivism on learner preference and achievement (recall, transfer). Significance in transfer measures was found. This indicated deep understanding of materials for collectivist participants. Correlational analysis revealed significance between cultural dimension and learner preference for instructional methods. Findings were consistent with the body of literature on cross-cultural psychology.



transfer of knowledge, socio cultural constructivism, instructional environments, behaviorism, culture, learner preference, recall, collectivism, individualism, online learning
