Don Bosco Technical School: A Situational Survey and Strategic Analysis


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Preston University


Don Bosco Technical School in Phnom Penh is a typical example of a long-running non-profit institution in Cambodia. In this part of the world it is plainly called an NGO – a non-governmental organization. It provides vocational skills training education to some four hundred out-of-school youth every year. And yet it does not charge for tuition; nay more it even provides free lunch at noon. So how does Don Bosco Technical School survive this monetary based and profit oriented society? What are its sustainability secrets?This capstone project strives to look at the institution from a business perspective with organizational behavior, strategic planning, and human resource management as criteria.To achieve this, the process will include: •A critical evaluation of its organic strategic plan through a thorough analysis of its strategic documents like: logical framework, organizational charts, and programming sheets.•A structured interview of key employees gauging factors such as: their job satisfaction, job fit, and job identification with organizational values. •An in-depth analysis of its human resource management through observation of operations and investigation of corresponding documents like: salary scales, contracts, policies and procedures.The results of the study show that Don Bosco’s main strength lies in the staff’s strong commitment to the mission of the organization thereby providing the motivation to continue the work in spite of financial odds. On the other hand it has room for improvement in terms of organizing a more formal human resource management system due to its institutionalizing trend and for sustained sustainability of its work.



Business administration, human resource management, organizational behavior, strategic management
