NDLTD Theses and Dissertations

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  • A Grounded Theory Exploration of Public Sector Innovation in Kuwait During and Beyond Crisis: Building Adaptability for Future
    Albous, Mohammad Rashed (Arabian Gulf University, 2024-06)
    The dissertation investigates the generation and implementation of administrative innovation within Kuwait's public sector, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, to understand how such innovation contributes to adaptability in both crisis and post-crisis periods. The research employs a grounded theory methodology, utilizing data from interviews, document analysis, and observations to develop a theoretical framework. The study identifies key characteristics of Kuwait's public sector that both enable and constrain innovation, such as the dominance of oil-fueled public sector jobs and the prevalence of bureaucratic culture. It also explores the pandemic's impact on operations and the adaptive measures taken, including the rapid adoption of digital technologies and the increased reliance on public-private partnerships. The study concludes by proposing a theoretical framework that highlights the central role of "exploring feedback" in driving administrative innovation and enhancing adaptability. The findings suggest that actively seeking and incorporating feedback from citizens, stakeholders, and data analysis fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the public sector. By analyzing the Kuwaiti experience, the research offers valuable insights into strategies for fostering innovation-driven resilience across diverse public sectors, contributing to the fields of public administration, innovation studies, and crisis management.
  • Technology v. Tradition in Algebra Education
    Hunziker, Evan R. (Western Governors University, 2023-04-19)
    The topic of this capstone is the effect that calculator usage has on the learner proficiency of 15 9th grade algebra students Throughout this research, pre- and post-assessments were used to gather data which was then analyzed using quantitative research methods such as descriptive statistics. The problem that this research sought to address was that some algebra students were struggling to complete the basic arithmetic portion of the algebra content. The research question was, “How will incorporating calculator use into an algebra curriculum affect learner proficiency in algebra?” This research was an action research which resulted in an instructional intervention being developed based on the conclusion from the research that implementing calculator use into the algebra classroom positively affected learner proficiency.
  • Bridging the Geospatial Education-Workforce Divide: A Case Study on How Higher Education Can Address the Emerging Geospatial Drivers and Trends of the Intelligent Web Mapping Era
    Stout, Wendy R. (Liberty University, 2022-03-15)
    The purpose of this exploratory collective case study is to discover how geospatial education can meet the geospatial workforce needs of the Commonwealth of Virginia, in the emerging intelligent web mapping era. Geospatial education uses geographic information systems (GIS) to enable student learning by increasing in-depth spatial analysis and meaning using geotechnology tools (Baker & White, 2003). Bandura’s (1977) self-efficacy theory and geography concept of spatial thinking form an integrated theoretical framework of spatial cognition for this study. Data collection included in-depth interviews of twelve geospatial stakeholders, documentation collection, and supporting Q methodology to determine the viewpoints of a total of 41 geospatial stakeholders. Q methodology is a type of data collection that when used as a qualitative method utilizes sorting by the participant to determine their preferences. Data analysis strategies included cross-case synthesis, direct interpretation, generalizations, and a correlation matrix to show similarities in participants' preferences. The results revealed four collaborative perceptions of the stakeholders, forming four themes of social education, technology early adoption, data collaboration, and urban fundamentals. Four strategies were identified for higher education to prepare students for the emerging geospatial workforce trends. These strategies are to teach fundamentals, develop agile faculty and curriculum, use an interdisciplinary approach, and collaborate. These strategies reflect the perceptions of stakeholders in this study on how higher education can meet the emerging drivers and trends of the geospatial workforce.
  • Speaking The Unspoken: Silence, Language, and Form in Contemporary Poetry
    Paretti, Marie C. (University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1997)
    This dissertation explores the way for late 20th century poets use form in their work as means to map, encounter, witness to, and struggle with various kinds of silences. It explores the work of Louise Glȕck, M. Nourbese Philip, Jorie Graham, and Michael Palmer.
  • Los estudios hispánicos como puente: coordinación y análisis de la calidad de actividades didácticas colectivas de difusión de la narrativa oral China
    Giménez Doblas, Nicolás (Virginia Tech, 2021-09-29)
    A la fragmentación de la comunidad de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de español se suma la ausencia de una metodología científica que analice la calidad de las actividades educativas y culturales que se realizan en este ámbito académico. De esta forma no se valora su margen de mejora, su impacto ni su pertinencia reales. Propongo en esta investigación un modelo de planificación, ejecución y evaluación cualitativa y cuantitativa que permita conocer el grado de excelencia en la gestión y la satisfacción de sus participantes y destinatarios. El ámbito en el que se ha llevado a cabo esta propuesta ha sido la Enseñanza Superior de la República Popular China, donde he trabajado siete años. Entre 2017 y 2020 he cofundado con mis alumnos y coordinado la iniciativa colectiva Puente con el objetivo de demostrar que los estudios hispánicos tienen el potencial de reducir el desconocimiento cultural y la falta de comunicación e integración de la comunidad educativa, y plantear una serie de objetivos en común. Las redes sociales, la difusión de la narrativa oral china y una actitud comunicativa han servido como elementos unificadores para la celebración de cinco actividades a nivel nacional con un fin didáctico, académico y divulgativo. La meta propuesta supone una innovación y un complemento a la enseñanza reglada en el análisis del complejo contexto previo local más allá del aula. Tanto la metodología utilizada como los resultados obtenidos pueden resultar de utilidad para futuros estudios vinculados con la organización de eventos de enseñanza y aprendizaje no solo de español, sino también de otras lenguas y en otros entornos educativos. Y, en especial, tienen el potencial de promover el acercamiento y el entendimiento ante el creciente clima de tensión internacional.
  • Exploring the Personal Journeys of Women Leaders Serving in K-12 Christian Schools
    Edwards, Mika B. (Carolina University, 2020-12-07)
    This phenomenological qualitative research examined the factors that influenced seventeen women leaders in K-12 Christian schools and the pathways that lead to their achievement. The research was designed to analyze the pivotal components of their journeys to further understand and enhance training for future women educational leaders. The framework of the research was in response to the underrepresentation of women in leadership counter to those serving as teachers. The participants were acquired through the snowball sampling technique with data collected via online interviews and a discussion board forum. The data was triangulated, coded, and analyzed to result in seven themes. The themes represent consistent components shared in the narratives of the participants regarding their personal journeys to Christian education leadership positions. The themes were both intrinsic and extrinsic in nature. The themes encompassed motivations such as personal desire to serve, a calling from the Lord, a commitment to live in obedience to the Lord’s guidance and valuing the experience as a teacher. The remaining themes represented external influences within the accrediting agency, as well as spiritual and professional mentors who spoke words of encouragement as well as modeled servant leadership behaviors. Suggestions for further research are to include a deeper look into the mentor relationships and whether they are organic in nature or structured. In addition, research could expand to Christian leaders within secular schools. The conclusions of the study supported the literature on both external and internal sources of encouragement for women Christian education leaders. The underrepresentation of Christian educational leadership is not due to obstacles within the Christian educational realm but rather due to a direct correlation of guidance from the Lord.
  • The Design of Online Environments (Political Hashtags) and the Quality of Democratic Discourse At-Scale
    Rho, Ha Rim (University of California, Irvine, 2020-07-24)
    Facilitating democratic discourse, or people's ability to access factual information in service of thoughtful discussion of social issues, is critical for democracies to function properly. However, with the rise of online fake news, misinformation, and political extremism, it is becoming increasingly difficult to have civil conversations on the internet. As a first step to addressing this issue, scholars need to understand how the current design of online environments shapes people’s ability to respectfully engage across social and political differences. In this dissertation, I investigate how common social media design features, such as hashtags directly impact the quality of democratic discourse at-scale. Using natural language processing, statistics, and experimental design, I empirically demonstrate how linguistic behavior and the presence of political hashtags in online social media news articles impact the quality of discussions surrounding race, gender, and equality. Through my findings, I provide a theoretical examination of functionality and intertextuality as critical aspects of online design. Online design considerations that consider functionality alone tend to promote a digital public sphere that predominantly favors hashtag (or content) producers over non-users and passive content consumers. The sole emphasis on the functionality of design features drives frequency-driven research practices that prioritize discourse conditions for hashtag producers through volume-based definitions of discussion quality. Collectively, the research studies in this thesis are motivated by a desire to understand how online spaces can be better designed to foster interaction and discourse that can bridge rather than sharpen social differences. Results from this dissertation research strongly indicate that scholars, designers, and engineers need to rethink and evaluate how current methodological approaches that prioritize the functionality of online design choices are limiting the way we understand the quality of democratic discourse on the internet. As a step towards this direction, I evoke Kristeva’s notion of intertextuality to demonstrate how online design choices facilitate the power of language in which important social topics are discussed across networks.
  • Community-based Shrimp Aquaculture in Northwestern Sri Lanka
    Galappaththi, Eranga K. (University of Manitoba, 2013)
    This thesis investigates small-scale community-based shrimp aquaculture (CBSA) in northwestern Sri Lanka. The objectives are to explore: (1) community-based shrimp aquaculture; (2) commons institutions and application of commons rules; and (3) policy implications (i.e., as an alternative to large-scale operations in ensuring sustainability). Data were gathered from three communities in northwestern Sri Lanka, through participant observations; semi-structured interviews; focus group discussions; and key informant interviews. Presence of small-scale community-based institutions is evident. Arguably, commons in this context are social-ecological systems, including the interconnected natural water body. Main characteristics of the existing resource governance system are multi-level commons institutional structure; zonal crop calendar system; collaborative/participatory management approach; and better management practices. A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis proves the viability of existing CBSA. This thesis recognizes CBSA as an alternative approach to large-scale aquaculture operations to ensure sustainability in the long run.
  • Opportunities for Adaptation to Climate Change: A Comparative Analysis of Indigenous Fisheries Systems in the Canadian Arctic and Eastern Sri Lanka
    Galappaththi, Eranga K. (McGill University, 2020-06)
    I have carried out a comparative analysis to develop a broader understanding across the case studies. This work contributes to conceptual, empirical, and methodological advancements in climate adaptation research.
  • Land, Water, Infrastructure And People: Considerations Of Planning For Distributed Stormwater Management Systems
    Lim, Theodore C. (University of Pennsylvania, 2017)
    When urbanization occurs, the removal of vegetation, compaction of soil and construction of impervious surfaces—roofs, asphalt, and concrete—and drainage infrastructure result in drastic changes to the natural hydrological cycle. Stormwater runoff occurs when rain does not infiltrate into soil. Instead it ponds at the surface and forms shallow channels of overland flow. The result is increased peak flows and pollutant loads, eroded streambanks, and decreased biodiversity in aquatic habitat. In urban areas, runoff is typically directed into catch basins and underground pipe systems to prevent flooding, however such systems are also failing to meet modern environmental goals. Green infrastructure is the widely evocative idea that development practices and stormwater management infrastructure can do better to mimic the natural hydrological conditions through distributed vegetation and source control measures that prevent runoff from being produced in the first place. This dissertation uses statistics and high-resolution, coupled surfacesubsurface hydrologic simulation (ParFlow.CLM) to examine three understudied aspects of green infrastructure planning. First, I examine how development characteristics affect the runoff response in urban catchments. I find that instead of focusing on site imperviousness, planners should aim to preserve the ecosystem functions of infiltration and evapotranspiration that are lost even with low density development. Second, I look at how the spatial configuration of green infrastructure at the neighborhood scale affects runoff generation. While spatial configuration of green infrastructure does result in statistically significant differences in performance, such differences are not likely to be detectable above noise levels present in empirical monitoring data. In this study, there was no evidence of reduced hydrological effectiveness for green infrastructure located at sag points in the topography. Lastly, using six years of empirical data from a voluntary residential green infrastructure program, I show how the spread of green infrastructure depends on the demographic and physical characteristics of neighborhoods as well as spatially-dependent social processes (such as the spread of information). This dissertation advances the science of green infrastructure planning at multiple scales and in multiple sectors to improve the practice of urban water resource management and sustainable development.
  • Comparative study of Web-based Services and Best Practices offered by top World University libraries and "A" grade accredited University libraries in India
    Dhamdhere, Sangeeta (Ess Ess Publication, New Delhi, 2018-07-29)
    In this study 64 web based services (bibliographical, patron education, patron communication and patron publication services) and best practices offered by the 70 top world university libraries and 39 top Indian University libraries were studied using different data analysis techniques like cross-tabulating for average scores and Pearson correlation coefficient and tests like Chi-Square Test and T-Test were applied to the raw data collected for final results. The library rankings as per their web-based services were correlated with their university rankings as per Webometric rankings and found that library web-based services rankings are correlating with their university rankings. Therefore, developing countries like India should improve their library web-based services rankings to improve their rankings at global level.
  • ‘That rug really tied the room together’: Knitting Dudeism and Camusian Philosophy into a Larger Tapestry
    Cardozo, Elloit (University of Mumbai, 2017-04-15)
    Even though parallels between the philosophy of Albert Camus and The Big Lebowski have been drawn repeatedly, a sustained enquiry into several possible dimensions of the matter is yet to have been conducted.This dissertation makes an attempt to conduct the aforementioned enquiry in some detail. In doing this, the study will try to analytically compare Camusian philosophy and Dudeism and bring out the similarities between them. This does not imply that there are no differences between the two; but the focus of this study is the similarities and not the differences. Dudeism, for the purpose of this study, will not be restricted to The Dude and the literature written on The Dude and Dudeism. It will also be expanded to accommodate certain other parts of the larger discourse of Ethan and Joel Coen’s filmography as well as a few other parts of The Big Lebowski itself. It is crucial, however, to “draw a line in the sand” (Walter, The Big Lebowski) at the very outset. In embarking on a comparative analysis between Camusian philosophy and Dudeism, this study does not intend to propose that one of them is influenced by the other and “what-have-you” ("The Editorial Preface" 12). Instead, it simply attempts to point out some of the discursive elements that they share with each other as well as with several of the sub-discourses they comprise of. The analysis in the dissertation that follows is split into three major chapters: 1. ‘Well, I’ll tell you what I’m blathering about’: An analytical frame of reference. 2. ‘You can’t be worried about that shit, life goes on, man’: Life, Death and Absurdity in Camus and Dudeism. 3. ‘Somebody this square community won’t give a shit about’: Camus’ Absurd Man and Dudeism The first chapter, “‘Well, I’ll tell you what I’m blathering about’: An analytical frame of reference”, provides an analytical framework for the discussions that follow in the rest of the dissertation. It is further divided into three sections. The first section lays out a basic understanding of a few fundamental ideas of Dudeism for the readers. The second section discusses a few important aspects of the philosophy of Albert Camus. The third section briefly establishes the connections between Dudeism and the philosophy of Camus which are examined in greater detail later in the study. The second chapter, “‘You can’t be worried about that shit, life goes on, man’: Life, Death and Absurdity in Camus and Dudeism” looks at Camus’ takes on Life, Death and Absurdity while also pointing out the parallels they seem to strike with Dudeism. The chapter is further divided into four sections. The first section examines strands of Camusian thought, especially the Absurd in the other films of Ethan and Joel Coen before establishing a connection to The Big Lebowski. The second section explores the attitudes towards Death in Camusian philosophy and Dudeism. The third section compares the ideologies of Life in the works of Camus and Dudeism. The fourth and final section explores parallels between Camus’ novel The Stranger and The Stranger: the cowboy narrator of The Big Lebowski. The third chapter picks up on the Camusian trope of the Absurd Man and its relation to Happiness in both: the works of Camus as well as the discourses of Dudeism. It comprises of three sections. The first section explores the notion of Alienation in Camusian philosophy and Dudeism and looks at how it eventually leads to the trope of the Absurd Man in Camus. The second section explores Camus’ creation of the Absurd Man through the Cycle of the Absurd and looks at how it fits into Dudeism. The third and final section delves into a comparison of the Absurd Man’s quest for Happiness in Camus and Dudeism.
  • Authentic Leadership: Relationship Between Leader Quality of Communication and Organizational Commitment
    Lester, Matthew Pete (Tennessee Temple University, 2014-12)
    This quantitative research was a descriptive, statistical analysis that answered the question: "How does authentic leadership practices and the leader's quality of communication relate to organizational commitment?"
  • Prison Leadership: The Relationship Between Warden Leadership Style and Correctional Officer Job Satisfaction
    Schofield, Derrick D. (Piedmont International University, 2018-02-23)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Tennessee wardens’ leadership practices and correctional officer job satisfaction. Utilizing the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), the relationship between correctional officers’ perception of the warden’s leadership practices and the LPI norms were examined. Additionally, utilizing the LPI, the relationship between self-ratings of the warden’s leadership practices and the observer rating of the LPI were assessed. Lastly, utilizing the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) and observer LPI, correlations were examined between the correctional officers’ job satisfaction and their perception of the warden’s leadership practices. Findings of this study showed lower correctional officers ratings of the wardens on the five LPI subscales than the inventory’s norms. In a comparison of the LPI wardens’ self-perception and the correctional officers’ observer perception, correctional officers rated the wardens lower than the wardens rated themselves. The overall ratings of the correctional officer Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS)were neutral. However, of the nine JSS subscales, the results identified the nature of their work and supervision as the most positive. Pay, contingent reward, and promotional opportunities were rated as the primary reasons for job dissatisfaction. Additional findings indicated a positive relationship between job satisfaction and each of the five subscales of the LPI.
  • Retaining Prison Staff: The Influence of Leader Emotional Intelligence on Employee Job Satisfaction
    Gibson, Emily S. H. (Piedmont International University, 2017-07-20)
    Correctional leadership faces staffing challenges that potentially compromise safety and security and cause stress for remaining prison staff. Leadership is especially crucial in prisons due to threats of danger and stress. Leaders exhibiting emotional intelligence control their own emotions and manage interactions with others. Staffing shortfalls and the significance of prison leadership motivated a quantitative investigation of the relationship between leader emotional intelligence and employee job satisfaction. The researcher disseminated electronic surveys to prison staff in 5 southern states, which resulted in 1,174 surveys for analysis. Participants completed a survey that included the Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory and the Job Satisfaction Survey. Results from a hierarchical linear regression revealed that both select demographic factors of prison employees and employee perception of their supervisor’s emotional intelligence are significantly predictive of prison employee job satisfaction. Findings provide both practical and theoretical implications for correctional leaders and support further research in the area of correctional leadership.
  • Relationship between the Emotional Intelligence of the Lead Clergy and Church Growth in North America
    Bassey, George (Piedmont International University, 2018-02-23)
    Followers expect leaders to provide clarity and assurance in uncertain times. These expectations apply to church leaders as well. American churches are in crisis regarding growth in worship attendance. According to Eymann (2012) and Shattuck (2014), more than 85% of churches in the United States are either stagnant or in decline. In addition, Redfern (2015) posited that about 4,000 churches in America are closed down each year. However, the good news is that a few churches in the United States are experiencing consistent growth in weekly worship attendance. If the pastoral leadership in those growing churches has anything to do with the growth, the researcher wondered what leadership qualities those pastoral leaders possessed that could be lacking in the pastoral leaders of churches that are not growing. Keen interest in whether or not the Emotional Intelligence competencies of the lead clergy of growing churches have any relationship with the growth, served as the impetus for this research study. This quantitative study was intended to investigate what relationship, if any, existed between the Emotional Intelligence competences of the lead clergy and church growth in the selected congregations within the Wesleyan Church North America. The Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory Concise instrument was utilized to assess and to determine the scoring pattern in the Emotional Intelligence competencies of the selected lead clergy within the Wesleyan Church North America. The conclusion of the study was that, of the seven competencies of Emotional Intelligence, only Emotional Reasoning was significantly higher among the lead clergy of growing Wesleyan churches than those of the lead clergy in the Wesleyan churches that were not growing. Other Emotional Intelligent competencies showed no significant differences.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Value in Luxury
    Bravo Gonzalez, Ramon (University of Glasgow, 2017-06-12)
    One of the most important assets that luxury firms have is brand value, an intangible asset influenced by consumer and company-led actions. CSR is a company-led action, which depending on how it is managed, can either increase or decrease brand value. This research explores the role of CSR within luxury and how it, together with other factors, contributes to brand value in luxury. To conduct this work, a mixed methods approach was selected. A theoretical framework was built with input from the literature and interviews with key interviewees from the luxury industry. Then, the theoretical framework was tested quantitatively. The quantitative analysis was conducted with a dataset based on consumer panels, and additional secondary data including Bloomberg, CSRHub, Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), Interbrand, and company reports. The results were subject to ‘credibility checks’ with interviewees from the industry. The results from this research suggest that despite the importance of brand value within luxury; brand value is not widely understood by the industry and it is not measured, managed or leveraged. This research also suggests that CSR, company size, having controlled distribution, country of origin, marketing and research and development (R&D)/design, energized differentiation, esteem, and relevance; are critical factors to brand value. Consequently, luxury brands need to manage all these determinants to be able to create and preserve brand value. Nevertheless, while all these determinants are important, their importance can vary by brand; depending on brand size, brand category, target market, and whether the brand is heritage or non-heritage.
  • Impact of Nurse Residency Program on Transition to Specialty Practice
    Boyer, Susan (American Sentinel University, 2016-11-21)
    While academic nursing programs teach the concepts and theory of providing care, these programs cannot provide sufficient experiential learning to prepare the nurse for all that might be faced in diverse clinical practice settings. As a result, each nurse faces transition to practice hardships with the first nursing role and again each time the clinical setting changes. The Specialty Nurse Residency intervention offers support and instruction during the crucial transition period. Efficacy of the intervention is evaluated based on data analysis from pre and post-intervention survey responses. This quantitative, descriptive study solicits feedback from experienced staff to answer the question: Are the positive outcomes of the Specialty Nurse Residency program reproducible in specialty units other than the Burn ICU as evidenced by preceptor, manager and educator feedback before and after program implementation? The intervention engages new-to-specialty nurses within an evidence-based support system that validates competence and development of clinical reasoning skills. Preceptor development and support are key elements of intervention and program delivery, as these crucial staff members safeguard program and learner success.
  • Em torno da romã: aplicações de operações com contornos na composição
    Sampaio, Marcos S. (Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2008-11-28)
    Contours can be understood as the shape or format of an object. In Music contour can represent a parameter in function of another, like pitch in function of density or density in function of amplitude. Contours are important because, as well as pitch sets and motives, they can help giving coherence to a musical piece.Theories of contours have been used in areas such as Ear Training and Analysis, but the systematic use of contours for generation of compositional material is an issue still lacking literature.In this thesis I present the piece "Em torno da romã" [Around the pomegranate] and its analysis. This piece, for woodwind quintet, was composed using combinations of contour operations associated with parameters such as pitch, tempo, density and texture. In order to accomplish this task, I did a literature review of contour theories, I did a mapping of contours to musical elements, I composed studies of possibilities for experimentation with contours, I develop the Goiaba, a software to assist in processing contours for composition, and finally composed the piece "Em torno da romã".This study helps to advance the state of art of contour theories through composition contour operations experiments using contour operations and contributes with new tools to the composition field.My conclusion is that contours can be used in a systematic way in musical composition, but we still need further study. Thus this depth and continuity in development of Goiaba are possible future activities resulting from this work.
  • Characterization of Agricultural Runoff Associated with ProAgri™ Treatment of Poultry Litter Added to Soils
    Harris, Cl (Arkansas State University, 2009-05)
    One of the greatest problems facing crop producers, who utilize poultry litter as a fertilizer for their fields, is phosphorus (P) runoff. Although phosphorus is a necessary element for optimal crop production, it can also have an adverse reaction when introduced into the aquatic environment. This problem is thought to have been helped by a new litter treatment product, ProAgri™ that became available for use in the poultry houses, which allegedly binds up the excess P. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the ProAgri™ on water quality of runoff. Four different treatments which included a control with no poultry litter, untreated poultry litter, ProAgri™ treated poultry litter, and ProAgri™ plus Activator treated poultry litter were applied at the rate of 2 tons per acre. Natural and simulated rainfall events produced runoff that was analyzed for water quality. No statistical differences (p>0.05) were found in soluble phosphorus, total suspended solids, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, hardness, and pH in runoff water between treatments.