Spin-filtering effect in the transport through a single-molecule magnet Mn-12 bridged between metallic electrodes

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American Institute of Physics


Electronic transport through a single-molecule magnet Mn-12 in a two-terminal setup is calculated using the nonequilibrium Green's function method in conjunction with density-functional theory. A single-molecule magnet Mn-12 is bridged between Au(111) electrodes via thiol group and alkane chains such that its magnetic easy axis is normal to the transport direction. A computed spin-polarized transmission coefficient in zero bias reveals that resonant tunneling near the Fermi level occurs through some molecular orbitals of majority spin only. Thus, for low bias voltages, a spin-filtering effect such as only one spin component contributing to the conductance is expected. This effect would persist even with inclusion of additional electron correlations. c 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3072789]



Electrodes, Density functional theory, Gold, Green's function methods, Many body problems


Barraza-Lopez, S. P., Kyungwha, Garcia-Suarez, Victor, Ferrer, Jaime. (2009). Spin-filtering effect in the transport through a single-molecule magnet Mn-12 bridged between metallic electrodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 105(7). doi: 10.1063/1.3072789